
Fire your CEO, now, SE.

Oh, great job chucklefucks, you convinced all the gays not to be gay anymore. Woo hoo, great job.

Seriously, what happened to people’s brains

Perhaps he would like some cheese to go with his whine

What an overgrown baby

There’s no arguing with that, of course. Nemesis is a trash fire.

Hey, “thing x sucks” gets lots of clicks, amirite

Add this to the list of reasons I hate Star Trek: Insurrection.

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To quote Brian David Gilbert (8:12 in the video):

“I do want to talk about the implications of this unit for a moment, specifically Dry Bones and Dry Bowswer, whose naming conventions confuse and frighten me. ...When I die, will I become ‘Dry Brian?’ Is a living Bowser ‘Wet Bowser?’ ...Why do Piranha Plant have bone in

Anger = clicks. So we need to get angry, right?

Buying day one, take my money SE...oh right but fonts...yeah

Your mother worked out pretty well for Fortnite, Apex Legends and Warzone, fuck off

“Let’s just make a ____ like ____, which is a hit right now” is clearly not a good pitch for anything.

Welp, can’t wait for Game Grumps to play this so Arin can go insane and Dan can say “Arin...” like a disappointed mother

I gotta give credit to Mr. Kumazaki, he unflappably answered the question without embarrassment or evasion.

Hear, hear. Corporatese is not what people wanna hear when shit like this happens.

Thank you.

Lazy piece of shit.

So, games are going to be disturbingly ugly as shit in the future, got it

I can tell that you’re trying to sound very intelligent. Let me help.

>It effects every single facet of society.

“AFFECTS” every single facet of society.

>being in advance age

“Advanced” age.

>it’s almost assuredly to late

“Too” late.

>are not going to fair very well.

“Fare” very well.

Now, before you get all huffy and start

Certainly couldn’t make it less fucking terrifying to have children by providing a living wage and better work/life balance, heavens no, we have to “incentivize” it by throwing you a bone AFTER you’ve had kids and your ass is already on the line

Rich people are pigs

I have no comment on this specific issue, but I have always found the Oscars overwhelmingly boring. When are they gonna fix that?

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De-gendering the awards seems to be the way to go. Put everyone in competition with everyone else, everywhere, all at once.

Forget gender/gender identification. Do you have the skills to pay the bills?