
NFT = “No, Fuck That”

Lay off the cocaine, SE


Is this the episode where we say the “F” word?”



Keep digging, hopefully you’ll wind up in China where you obviously belong

(Proceeds to talk shit)

Seriously tho, they do

People aren’t property that can be “stolen” and I belong to my wife cuz I decided I want to. I’m an adult who decides things for myself, not a dog sniffing for leftovers in the trash.

“Sir, this is a Wendy’s”

Ok you get a star.

Thank you for being the only chill take on my comment

Apparently my sense of humor sucks, but ok, go insane ganging up on one over-the-hill idiot Kotaku Comments section

Oh my, I seem to have pissed off the comments section

Don’t cane me sers, I was led astray

Wow, like I wouldn’t have already seen the announcement from Dec 18th.

Amazing job trolling me, though. You got me, you did. What a clever troll you are! You get a gold troll star ⭐

This seems like the writers did it on purpose to troll not only the English translator but the English Speaking world in General.

That’s smashing, amazing, and excellent. When Pixel Remasters on Switch?

Loli Fans are the worst human beings, full stop.

I saw it but it just sounded like Meaningless Pratt-le

“WTF does that even mean,” you can clearly see her saying to herself

Yknow what I haven’t done animated movies in a long time but I might have to go see this lol

Gotcha. Wording was kind of ambiguous, I retract my statement.

Headbanger’s Bowl, eh

If you are a person who calls yourself a “Conservative” or “Republican” or whatever, I have news for you; your asses are pissed off about a damn sandwich.

I’m over here wondering when Mr. Richie Rich’s bootheels are gonna come off our collective necks, and your asses are pissed off about a damn sandwich.

As Robbie

If you were as passionate about Christianity as you seem to be, I tend to think you’d be more forgiving and willing to be ok with people saying all sorts of evil things about you, or even semantically incorrect things... Jesus was not a busybody, and being humble was kind of His Modus Operandi

Unintended Vaginas sounds like some sort of really weird avant garde punk band