They got half the loot. It’s in the standard contract Brazilian thugs have to sign to operate on IOC turf!
They got half the loot. It’s in the standard contract Brazilian thugs have to sign to operate on IOC turf!
...and you have zero IR flares left to decoy it. A10s have survived hits by Russian SISSYPADS, and in this case an actual SAM, but it ain’t pretty.
...not to mention that while in flight that heat is mixed with thousands of tons of cool ambient air per minute, thus making it very hard to target.
They’ll just take off with a min fuel load and hit a tanker dumbass!
What an incredibally stupid claim. You obviously don’t know Jack Shit about either one of those aircraft. Jeeze. What a tool!
Have you heard of that new fantastic search engine, Google? Wikipedia? “I’m sure” ... you mean “I’m too lazy to check to see but I want to sound important here, so here’s some BS I just made up”? There’s not one single engineer in all of LMT that doesn’t have a higher IQ than your entire extended family combined. Get…
Yup, totally agree. I’ve written some very interesting scenarios for this bird, and you can’t touch ANY of them with any other kind of aircraft. It’s an AV-8 Harrier you can fly into contested airspace and ruin someone’s whole decade.
Supercruise? So you think getting there at 900 mph is going to make any practical difference over getting there at 700 mph? Maybe SC @ 1.85 like the Raptor, but low SC is pretty much worthless. It gives engine makers and wing designers a big hard-on, but if hitting your IP 3-4 minutes sooner makes or breaks the…
Because his favorite phrase is “You’re fired”?
Comparing a rate to a level. Rich, arrogant, AND a complete moron!
When they get serious about testing this thing, have them give Dan Hampton a call and let’s see what it will do against somebody who’s seen a lot of actual combat.
Still not terrified. Sorry. You’ll have to do something, I don’t know, actually terrifying? I’ll be terrified when I’m good and damned ready. In the meantime, why don’t you write whatever it is you’re going to write and let me have whatever reaction I damned well please? Fucking hype-mongers.
I coudn’t agree more. This guy has mad skills! I wish someone with his skills would write a companion book about air-to-air combat. I’d pre-order it in a heartbeat.
Unless you can predict the vehicle’s path and set up an ambush, your chances of hitting it while on the move with an unguided rocket like an RPG are slim and none. Then, if you’ve managed all of that, the Trophy system will easily kill an RPG.
Ummm, NO, more weight. The original Wily’s Jeep weighed 1,380 lbs. Google it.
Except that the original specification for the vehicle Willy’s won with its Jeep was for a vehicle that weighed no more than 1,380 lbs. Google it!
This dune-buggy derrived vehicle was never very reliable, and it wouldn’t fit inside of the Osprey or CH53 or CH47. It’s also underpowered by current standards, and a gas vehicle.
It’s only about 60% compatible with the civy version, as a cursory Google Safari would have revealed. I guess it’s better to just make shit up than look it up? Kudos on the slovenly lack of desire to get “it” right before you write! Uuuugh.
“And” is a connective that connects two parts of the SAME sentence. You’ve not only used it to start a completely stand-alone second sentence, you’ve actually used it to start a new paragraph. Congratulations. You’ve won the “Word Butcher of the Year” award!
I Googled up a Janes Defense International study on the per hour cost of operating the Grippen, which relied very heavily on the costs of the F16, as it too is a single engine aircraft. Dual engine aircraft like the Hornet, Typhoon and F15 are almost twice as expensive to operate as they burn almost twice the fuel and…