
Writing history before enough time has passed to provide context is a fools errand. For example, was the surge a bad idea? What if Obama and a foolish Iraqi government had been able to agree on terms for an extended US or UN mission in Iraq? Would Iran have been able to take advantage. Would ISIS have ever formed?

Who’s the drag-queen standing behind Trump in the F-35 pic? He has nice taste in heels! ;)

Both Bantam and Willys were very near bankruptcy at the end of the Great Depression and were working under very tight budgets, timelines and weight limits. IIRC, the original spec for weight was 1,380lbs. That was upped about 200lbs to prevent huge holes being drilled out of the wheels, frame, etc.

Will the limp-dick whining about Trump-bashing never end? You’re the same batch of low-life that publicly called for lynching Obama. Man-up and take it, you certainly relished dishing it out.

The Moron-In-Chief is going to leave the particulars to his professional military - just like Obama did. The difference is, Obama was intelligent and curious and set a firm policy and stick to it.

No amount of skill will make this a repeatable shot. IE: this was mostly luck. Nothing wrong with increasing one’s skill, but all warriors should know the difference between what can be accomplished by skill and what is luck.

Yes. Exactly. Only VERY slight changes in direction would be had without massive G loads at hypersonic speeds. The structure required to pull such high Gs would make a vehicle far, far too heavy to be useful. Therefore, hypersonic missiles cannot maneuver usefully vs intercepting missiles with explosive, area

LOL, fun replies. Just sayin though, a T-Hawk has about 2ft of range on a knife, so anyone using one has a big advantage.

How about five 12-barrelled GAUs for 1 bullet every foot when traveling at 1000 ft/sec? Something in an anti-personnel caliber instead of something meant to defeat tanks - since the A-10 has that covered already. Maybe throw in a pair of the 25mm GAUs from the JSF with 2-3X the ammo load.

Time to throw away that lingering hope that Jared and Ivanka are the good ones in the family too. Jared’s dad served prison time for white collar crimes of exactly this type, and knowing what we do about T-DumDon now, the daughter had daddy-T’s blessing because he would be comfortable participating in the activities

I’d have pulled my CRKT tomahawk out of my car and hacked those fuckers into bloody gobs. Love the look on a man’s face when he’s looking down at his own arm still holding his pathetic little knife - right before you split his skull in half with a savage downward swing! That would have been sweet!

Latest military arms advance, now in Russian R&D, jagged vs smooth stones. Estimated to be up to 3X as effective when thrown at Muslim women.

No reputable country recognized Assad’s sham “election” which required, among other things, that candidates have the support of 35 members of Assad’s Parliament. At any rate, he got 88.7% of the vote, which is proof positive the election was rigged. (as sure a sign of foul play as a Ponzi Scheme always paying a very

The software will live on, as it can be applied and improved forever on every aircraft of similar types in the future. That’s the beautiful thing about software, it never wears out and its gains go forward forever.

You’re assuming the datastream (clear text) is all useful data and not random garbage or last year’s NYSE ticker injected into an otherwise valid stream.

4.6 trillion is well below the all-in cost of Cheney’s optional war in Iraq, which, considering long-term care for wounded Vets is estimated to come to 7.1 trillion. Anybody got a way-back machine that can shoot straight? If only.....

Sorry to hear he survived his stupidity. Sometimes its better to pour some bleach in the gene pool and start over with better breeding stock.

That old nut about “when new CAFE standards come out Detroit hires a bunch of lawyers, and Japan hires a bunch more engineers” is still true, except now the Koreans are in on the game too. The new Kia Niro is a case in point. It will laugh while Detroit burns. It looks like Detroit has learned NOTHING from the

The biggest problem with meeting CAFE standards is people, driven by advertising, have decided they need vehicles with MASSIVE power trains.

I am probably already driving a car that would meet the 2025 standards, a 2016 Honda FIT. It gets about 42 mpg at freeway speeds (75-80 mph) and 55-60 mpg at 50-60 mph on secondary highways here in the high desert north of LA.