
There’s a lot to be learned about how to negotiate a new START tready in reading “The End of the Cold War: 1985-1991" which makes clear that Putin’s narrative about the collapse of the USSR is delusional, and not at all based in fact. While this can present problems, what is also clear, and based in fact is that the

Thank Trump for coloring it. A disgusting pig who will use ANYONE and ANYTHING as a political pawn.

Trump, a guy with zero military service, who evaded service by purchasing a falsified medical, and zero command experience, is now distinguishing himself by having zero empathy, morality, or humanity. He’s a disgusting pig!

A LOT of ignorant, blow-hard chest beating in these responses.

Interesting to see something close to a design I did back in 2005. It might be helpful to add hinged armor panels on sides and top at the back to deflect small arms fire from trailing infantry. 1/8th inch 800 Brinnel Hardness plate should be more than sufficient.

Patient Zero in the coming Zombie Apocalypse?

Ben Franklin detained at Dulles trying to return home from Paris. What did that long-haired, bearded moo-slim expect? Ridiculous he thinks he knows more about the US Constitution than King Trump!.


Nice idea, but an A10 is a poor choice flying in defended airspace. Great for plinking ragheads, but the 1973 Yom Kippur War demonstrated the folly of flying aircraft against armored formations with embedded SAM missiles. That’s what theater ballistic missiles are for; and MBTs.

Generally, the basis of all defensive operations is “Obstacles covered by fire”. Hard for tanks to drag trees out of the way, or infantry to protect them when they are under withering fire.

Maybe he needs to figure out that Assad created ISIS to create a boogy-man Syrians would fear more than the Assad Regime. Maybe Da Donald should figure out who the players are and what side they’re on before he wades into another war in the Sandbox.

They don’t, and evey attempt to fly them anywhere near Western standards has proven it. The Germans gave up on their Mig29s and sold them to the Poles for one dollar. Sukhoi engines are pathetically fragile. PAK50-FA engines are under-powered AND catch fire. By contrast the F-22s engines are so sophisticated that even

I am reminded of John Boyd’s visit to a German airfield where the commander bragged about his very low aircraft losses, at this point Boyd ripped him a new asshole for not training hard enough.

I think LMT’s inability to deliver the JSF on time and on budget just killed somebody; as did the USN’s slow response to its rolling deadline debacle. The USN’s Hornets are just plain worn out, and its killing people. Retiring the S3 Viking prematurely so Hornets are now flying 20% of their missions as fuel trucks

In case you haven’t heard, the Admiral Kuznetsov is a broken down, black smoke exhausting piece of shit that should have been decommissioned years ago.

My biggest concern is the USMC is a light force that has a bad habit of biting off more than it can chew, too often, and too far from home. If his luck runs thin he may well be the SecDef that endures another Frozen Chosin scenario.

Exceptionally well written. More of this please FA.

If the families of terrorists are defacto terrorists themselves then killing them is not collateral damaged. They are legitimate targets being combatants, albeit of a non-state entity. This is not the same as killing the innocent families of terrorists as an act of revenge. I know you think I’m splitting hairs here

That infrastructure could have been rebuilt years ago, except Republicans blocked each and every attempt to pass a bill to authorized the funding just to show the world what a bunch of nihilistic asses they really are.

...while denying US Citizens who are Muslim those same rights? Trump’s thinking is so compartmentalized it’s a crap shoot to know what will come out of his mouth next, and more importantly, what the policy decision (does he even know what a policy is?) de ‘jour might be.