
You won't be saying that when Kotaku gets shut down because there wasn't enough supporters and this thing gets passed.

It's not the point that it's expensive because it's american made, it's expensive even though the guitars used by Grunge/Kurt Cobain were cheap crappy sounding guitars, which gave the whole grunge genre a different kind of tone. They were cheap. Why is this expensive?

My girlfriend is like this too, it's so ridiculous. I got her into technology but god forbid she puts her phone down for 5 minutes, if there's nothing to do, PHONE, if there's nothing to say, PHONE if in doubt, PHONE! Nothing I do can get her off the damn thing without being a complete ass.

Damn, and I was mad when I didn't get my Jerry Cantrell signature Wah pedal, and that's only like $150.. /sigh

Every bomb would kill me except the smallest one, I live way too close to Jacksonville. D:

Way to screw people with the original iPad out of multitasking gestures. That was what I was looking forward to the most and I don't get them at all because I bought an iPad 1.

It's called jedi because it's 2 really psychedelic drugs and 1 mildy psychedelic drug all mixed... so it's like you have to have a strong mind to handle it I suppose. That's just my assumption on why it's called that.

MDMA is kinda the same class as acid, acid is really psychedelic though, it's more of a mind fuck kind of thing where MDMA, although a psychedelic, it more or less just makes you really content and just happy. You do get very mild hallucinations on molly but it really is based on how much you take, honestly.

You said it better than I could have ever said it. +10

You need to try pure MDMA. It's a blast and it doesn't have all that sketchy other shit in it. I've had sex while on it (I've done a lot of shit while on it, play games, watch movies, swing, whatever sounds like fun) and honestly it does make it more awesome but you have to have a non-addictive personality. If you can

Yeah I was considering it next paycheck until I saw the price... More than the game? What the hell...?

Then stop coming to this site? Some people actually like this game. If you don't want to see the articles then don't look at them, simple as that. Stop acting like a child.

I agree too, I think I just got screwed over by these assholes because my card info was leaked and someone bought $300 worth of stuff in Luxembourg, and I'm having to deal with the bank and canceling my cards, it's absolutely ridiculous.

I'd rather buy a Squire telecaster or something rather than the limited version of this pick for almost $300... Jesus.

I'd kiss him, I love Russel Brand he's fucking hilarious.

I'd tear it up if I could. >_>

Tell me how that works holding your hand in the air for a few hours. I try not touching the screen and that doesn't work for me.

I love you Valve. I was worried my computer might not be able to play this game at a decent frame rate because it's showing it's age and thank god valve has done this. I can play the game on my ps3 and not worry about it it won't work because I got both versions!

I agree with you both, I always had problems with used stuff because my dad was a used item addict and I always ended up with broken stuff because they just stopped working. I'm not opposed to refurbished stuff, but I still prefer new items to used.

Yeah to be honest I actually have 4 electric guitars lying around /sigh. I wish someone would buy this Fender and this Epiphone off me.