
I feel like I am one of the few people who just genuinely dislikes FF9. I remember when I first purchased it, and tried to play through it, never got too far. I recently went on a trip to Puerto Rico and played through most of it on the Vita, but I still haven’t finished it. Got to the part where the villain guy locks

I don’t and maybe others don’t as well, but that doesn’t disregard the fact that there was a loose end to the Narrative.

I always say this, every time I see this.

Wouldn’t it say, “Iraq... now going to Oasis.”?

12 Hours of no ranked isn’t so bad. Of course this is coming from someone who played WoW for 8 years and missed countless hours of WoW because of weekly maintenance. At least we can still play normals!

I was thinking this too, but more along the lines of SA-X

I don't like this because it doesn't make sense that Pikachu's arm is smacking his/her cheek and making it move like that. It just seriously bugs me..

I would definitely recommend watching it. If you don't want to sit through 26 episodes, I'd recommend the movies, Evangelion 1.11: You Are (Not) Alone, Evangelion 2.22: You Can (Not) Advance, and Evangelion 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo. The 4th movie is not out yet, but I prefer the movies to the anime, as they get their

It's basically the idea that the Anime Evangelion is getting a "remake" that is only slightly different because it's actually a sequel, stating that "[Evangelion] is a story of the will to move forward, even if only a little." so only bits and pieces change, because the characters (maybe not characters, but at least

Your metaphor would work better if you said it like this, "Why would you want to be a football player, when you can be a coach and have control over all the players?" (I know nothing about football, but it sounds right to me.) MOBAs are fun because it's high action, high skill, high speed. RTS games are slower paced

Way to add to the discussion. Why are you even commenting, if all you can post is "Eww, Minecraft sucks"

Are you mad that it's a popular game and you don't like popular stuff?

I may be biased, because I like Minecraft, but that's because it actually doesn't suck. There's a reason why it's sold millions of copies, ya

What the hell are you talking about? All Blizzard games have a broad range of colors. Let's name the easy ones for example. Starcraft, main colors consisting of Blue, Gold, and Purple (Terran, Protoss, Zerg) Warcraft, which has so many factions, I can't even name the colors, but lets name the 2 main ones which are

Weird, I was more or less thinking of a female version of these guys, considering this is a Blizzard game:

I just thought it was funny they kept calling it "Super Smash Bros." when everyone I talk to actually calls the series "Super Smash Brothers"

There can never be enough Zero.. But Magma Dragoon? Lol, we'd probably see Vile or Sigma before that weirdo

Sadly, Capcom has given up on Megaman.. And plus Maverick Hunter X already exists on the PSP, which is a pretty good "HD remake" of Megaman X as it is.

I'll probably never see Megaman Legends 3, though. :( Damnit Capcom.

I agree, people who continuously state that you HAVE to watch an anime subbed are ridiculous. I just prefer the dubbed version and that's all there is to it, I don't have to explain my fucking preference to some fucking hipster who thinks they're better than you just because they spend more time reading subtitles.

WoW is at a period where it's nothing but filler until Blizzard brings us to defeating the one common enemy of all Azeroth and Draenor.. Do you remember why we fight?

The Burning Legion threat still exists and is still very real. We may have "defeated" Kil'jaeden (which isn't really a defeat, more just a stop to his

Unless they're in your fire team, no one should be able to push you off.

"Hey guys, notice me because I hate something that's popular!"