Like James McCloud sunglasses? HMMMM
Like James McCloud sunglasses? HMMMM
Reminded me of Catcher in the Rye, I loved every bit of this, lankist.
Whaaaaaaat? Are you crazy? I have a collection of 360 games, ps3 games, PC games, gamecube games, and ps1 games all in mint condition, I also have all my gameboy games and their boxes! All on shelves, in containers for storage and etc..
agreed, I like the feel of the current iPad, I had to get my hands on one before they released the new one. The only thing I hope I'm not missing out on is a retina display..
I prefer the bezel, hand holding space, case holding space, basically it's a holding space and it's pretty necessary if you're going to use it one handed (considering its size and weight)
$800.. with locked wifi.
@bowei437: Agreed, I thought it was some kind of CRYSIS boot for sale at first.
@Manly McBeeferton: How does Fusion even get missed? I mean seriously, Fusion is the latest game in the series yet people seem to hate it or something. It's one of my faves in my opinion... Wish we'd get one that continued the story. I bet we won't though because Nintendo is probably afraid of Samus and her new suit.
Are you serious? You put DX in the Zelda list but not Oracle of Ages/Seasons? Ughhhhhhhhhhh
@Almightywhacko: I believe they can't because of patent infringement.. I could be wrong though.
@DON'T PANIC: That's... it's like I don't want to believe it because that's just so freaking odd. It's awesome I'm loving it. I WANT ONE!
@pettiblay: Nice, I'm glad you're having fun being an asshole.
@Priper: AWW depressing! It's so awesome looking too... Maybe I'll have to get a microsoft arc..
Someone please tell me what is the keyboard in the image?!
"Shells like Teen Spirit"?
@Arganova: 2 days before mine! I can't wait!!
@Gazillion: It's basically the same reason why the Turians don't like us. We expand fast and unlike Asari, have short life spans, so we strive to achieve more in less time... So yeah I could understand why attacking the human race is a good idea.
@TeamBlacula: Yeah, that's true. I'm almost positive no-one expected the collectors... So I expect ME3 to show a similar twist.
@Mascott: Same here D:
@phiyuku: AH ok. I was wondering about how they say you can't get out of limbo but I was so confused about how they got out, and how Cobb got out twice.. Thanks for clearing that up. I didn't know they had to be aware that they were in limbo to leave.