
@slaughter33: Sorry to tell you, but it just means that you can't buy the original Droid anymore, it's being replaced by Droid 2 (X) and the HTC Incredible. Droid support is still ongoing and it won't stop anytime soon, too many people have the original droid and it would be idiotic for motorola to stop rolling out

@TuxBobble: Same here, and if anything I'll make sure the next Android phone I get doesn't have any custom software on it. I want a clean android phone with nothing but google and the phone manufacturer and me in between. That's why I loved my droid, and still do, in fact.

@Jack Doyle: That would certainly fix a lot of "problems" :)

I have a friend I met on World of Warcraft. We were practically enemies when we first met, never got along, always arguing in our guild chat.

Is this like the Fal'Cie of USBs?

@Wunderbear: Yeah, her proportions look terrible. Her thighs look huge and long legs.

@s0nlxaftrsh0ck: This is a horrible figure, not only is it not the signature Varia suit, but her proportions are all messed up and from her waist, it's completely obvious she's a girl. Of course samus is a girl, but her armor doesn't even look that skin tight until parts start getting cut off in Fusion.

@Alec: What happens if you fall under both? ...No reason for asking.

I never heard of Omega Supreme, but the biggest Transformer Toy I had was Unicron. I loved my Unicron.

@jchen1: Lol... I laughed too hard at this.

@MikeMcKenzy: Don't worry. I'm a gamer and it's really dumb.

@buk-was-right: Lol, it's no big deal, I loved CYOA books myself. Loads of fun, only if you didn't die every other page :\

This isn't interactive. Is Ubisoft so retarded that they don't even understand what interactive means? If I can't INTERACT with it, it's NOT INTERACTIVE.
