
This stuff seriously reminds me of No More Heroes.

@Archaotic: Seriously? I haven't been so hyped for a console release since the original DS was coming out! (Referring to the 3DS) So many good games for the 3DS, finally MGSRising is coming out, Star Wars Force Unleased 2, Zelda, Metroid, oh my god it was an awesome E3.

@Manly McBeeferton: Wow, Dukakis is so behind as of lately. He must be at E3 himself.

@Miguelin123: Or it could have been a Watermelon cutting mini-game. I noticed that too but I thought there had to be a reason for such clean cuts.

@Chaffradio: Are you serious? You're one of those "Raiden is a fag" people?

@NiteLites: Yeah man, playing MGS1-4 as Snake was starting to get boring, wish I could have played as Raiden...

@billysan: Artificial blood from the enemies in MGS seems like it's white or something. I dunno, Raiden has white blood too.

@Drogmir: Why? It's the sub-subtitle of the game, or maybe you could say it's the genre. All Metal Gear Solid games have Tactical Espionage Action, while Rising is Lighting Bolt Action.

@Bhockzer: Jurassic Park reference FTW.

I don't understand why they'd do this before at least Releasing Crysis 1 on the 360. I want to play them but I have never played Crysis and I don't start games in 2nd parts of the series, I start at the beginning.

@Newestname: Vader really isn't equal on his level. The reason no-one has that kind of power in the originals is because... well there's only like 4 people that can use the force, and one of them was seriously old as hell. Hell ALL of them were old as hell except for Luke and they were just getting too old I guess.

@Paradox me: Ok, consider this. A guy who becomes supreme chancellor was all a long a really really bad person. That's about as secret as Vader's Apprentice. The galaxy is large, and a secret can be easily kept.

@rcgaryk: Hell, he ain't even a sith, he's more like a rouge guy who knows the force.