
@shadowball11: Jedi Academy was good but this game will be just as good. I still miss the cutting off of limbs and random sithvsjedi encounters that you'd get and all the mission selecting type business which led to some cool missions

@Michael Dukakis: Seriously your comments hit like a force of nature, I never expect them

I'd've kept mine if the library didn't seriously suck and pale in comparison to the actual psp library.

@b-radicate: Lol? Are you seriously? SWFU was extremely easy control, unless you were a 'tarded chimp or something. It's about as simple as God of War and has the complexity with all the added combos if you remember how to do the combos. At no point did I have any trouble playing this game, Wii, 360, or PS3 (The 3

@BiddyBalboa: Sorry, a game that takes more than 20 hours for it to start getting good is not awesome, and compared to the other Final Fantasy games the story telling was sub-par, I don't want to have to refer to my menu every time I want to learn my characters and get story development. The only thing FFXIII had

@Shad0X: It burns the eyes to play the ugly game. No-one wants a remake, most people want a visual makeover. A remake is probably what most people DON'T want. SE would destroy this game remaking it, probably making it like FFXIII and that game was horrible.

@allstaraugustine: Yeah, he's one of my favorite star wars character, I don't care if he's canon or not.

Metal Gear Solid 4.

Here's my version when I saw the silhouettes..

I enjoyed the game very much. It's fun playing long hours. It wasn't that exhaustive for me, as one might feel."

@Ben Nadler: I could have paid more than $0.01, but I would have never bought the game anyways and hell it's not even a good game so I think I got my money's worth. #worldofgoo

I gave away Pokemon Silver and a GBASP to my friend recently because him and his family don't really have any money and he's been telling me he'd buy my Pokemon Silver if he had the money. He has a regular gameboy color but he uses his phone to light it up at night, lol. I was like "Dude, that's silly. Here." #tud

So why are they making it PS3 exclusive? Wouldn't they get a ton more sales by releasing it on 360 as well? I'm just jealous cuz I don't have a PS3 and can't afford one either..