
Banning them from Streaming on their platform for good would be a start. If you cannot communicate, or even talk shit without degrading people and using terms like fag, N&$$#%, and other hateful, racist, homophobic terms then you should not be allowed to interact with decent people. Too many video games these days are

Funny enough (true story), when I 1st met 2 of my friends from the UK at my first job which was a summer camp in Maryland that brings 3 cooks from the UK over for the summer every year. It was my 2nd year there and I was 16. I remember seeing the English girls once or twice but didn’t get a chance to meet them. Then

Yeah, that makes no fucking sense. This ass hat should just be banned and that’s that. He isn’t going to change, or think about the hateful shit that pours out his mouth. These kind of people don’t care who they offend, and are to stupid to even use the terms in any kind of relevancy (not saying if he did it’s ok) but

I wouldn’t be surprised if there were certain touch screen features as well for the switch. Guess we just have to wait and see.

Yeah he sucked. 

If you’re a pc gamer you should check out eldorado (Halo Online) and download the .06 version. It is ran peer to peer servers so MS can not shut it down, though they did get production stopped. It is really fun, and can play even on a potato pc, with more people playing online than Halo 5. Forge makes it even better.

OMG seriously, that does have me cracking up. Go figure since it technically is newer than the other versions. Hopefully now with that launched and their new maps added, they will focus on optimizing, cheaters and bug fixes but I won’t hold my breath.

I personally just want NHL2K on switch.

“In my house, you follow the rules or you GTFO.”

Thanks. It is something I hope I never have to go through again to me or others. Watching all your things being ruined and you can do little to nothing about it is a very frustrating thing, but thankfully no one was hurt and that is what really matters. After I got the standing water out of the entire apartment from

I forgot it went to mobile. Never even thought of trying that out though I can’t imagine it’s that good. It would be funny if the mobile version worked better than the $30 paid on Steam/XB.

“Presidents should be free from criminal investigations” LMFAO

Oh man I wish I got the free cruise calls, I would go full on Jerky Boys and creep someone the hell out with that one. 

Wasn’t the coach an adult? IDK I’m asking cause my wife is Thai, and she even said that the coach should of known better cause of monsoon season. The adults there are very aware of what happens during that season, and he should of known better to take them into a cave to where they could not see the entrance any

My question has always been: WHY THE HELL would the coach let them go so far into the cave? Is he not an adult? I would think most adults especially in Thailand would know better to not go into deep caves esp. when it’s monsoon season. My wife is from Thailand, and even she said “That coach should have known better”.

It just didn’t appeal to me at the time. I had just built my gaming PC @ the same time and the games I did want on Wii U, I already had on PC cause of things like Origin access. I do want to pick one up sometime in the near future. I have a buddy that modded the hell out of his and is pretty sweet. I will say I love

That is good to hear. The game looks interesting

hahaha, I kinda thought maybe you were referring to that game, but wasn’t sure since I haven’t played Paladins, but I will when the Free version comes to switch. All I’m left with after a horrible apartment flood on the 4th is my switch, XB1, NES, N64 and Wii. My PC, Mac Pro Tower, SNES and so much more didn’t make it

3 hours is f’n impressive and being committed to fucking with these Aholes. More power to him. I really need to think of good ways to waste their time.

thethinwhiteduke - Have you played Realm Royale? It’s F2P, and basically BR but with mid-evil heros (classes). I never played it, but a few of my friends love it.