
Yeah I did the exact same thing. The 1 raid we have and new raid lair is very lack luster and felt me saying literally “Dumbest shit Bungie has made” and I havent played since. The quality of the raid compared to what we had at the launch of D1 is a joke. But I ended up switching to MHW on XB1 (wasn’t waiting for the

Most look too much like the Space Pirates

Could you imagine the chaffing goin on if she didn’t wear the zero suit under her armor lol.

Celeste is fun, but I had waayyy more fun with The Mummy Demastered. The Mummy reminds me very much of Super Metroid and Axiom Verge in it’s game play and the music and back drops are great. This game is the only good thing to come from that crappy movie, and thankfully you do not play as tom cruise cause you would

I skipped Wii U so this one was new to me when I got it on switch. It is better than it was on Wii, and the variety of cars, tires and sails is pretty neat. But what can you say other than its Mario Kart. They all have kind of been the same once going 3D besides double dash. If you like Mario Kart, you’ll like this

LOVED these games, but def not the first to have a detective/Scan mode. Off the top of my head, Metroid Prime had it as well just not as important to Samus as it was to Batman. Still, it certainly made you feel more like the real dark knight since people tend to forget he is a detective mostly cause of the movies.

Cities yes, that’s what I meant. And it’s something crazy like over 60 or 70 cities. Hepatitis lol you can give someone food without touching them or getting close to them. That is a sad ass excuse to let people starve.

Don’t forget they make it illegal in some states now for a person to feed one of those homeless vets. Our soldiers were treated like shit after Vietnam, we don’t need to be doing it again. How much money have we wasted on shit like trump’s wall, boosting military,deporting immigrants who are not criminals, jailing

Yeah, if i saw that diving from a distance I would think i found someone who crossed the mob/union, but seeing its Jason i would laugh. Now, put a scary looking loch ness or snake or kraken kinda shit down there, I would be surfacing so fast and not from swimming, from all the gas i’m releasing as I shit my wet suit.

Agreed. I mean have you seen the last few pieces Will Smith has done, like the last one with his son ehhhhh. This was a step up from those a bit. Wasn’t a terrible movie as critics make it out to be, but certainly wasn’t I am Legend. or Enemy of the State kind of good.

Just dusted off my XB1 after at least a year to play MH World (not waiting till Autumn for the PC release) and omg is the new Xbox layout,UI/store just so ugly and frustrating. I prefer the simplicity of Nintendo’s shop, though the Switch Home screen needs some new designing. Never seen the Playstation store so I

Now playing

Anyone remember how peter made his bigger???

LMFAO RIGHT. Myself and my wife are very happy with my size, but what man honestly wouldn’t say “Another 1/2-1 inch wouldn’t kill me” but doing it by a needle or surgery lol no thanks. I heard the surgery for enlarging is very expensive and only 1/2" at most. Yeah def not worth that unless you are really, really

Exactly, this is no different than when I was a kid hiding cigarettes from my parents. Only reason vaping is appealing more to kids these days than smoking is flavors and it’s easy to hide. Weed being legal has nothing to do with this, it is just kids doing what kids do (what they are told not to). It’s time parents

Cry, kick, scream and piss and moan all you want, i’m done with your stupid, blind, and childish banter. Again, go play a game of hide and go fuck yourself and make the world a better place snow flake.

lmfao you don’t know me, so again go to your safe space and go fuck yourself. And I know a lot more than you obviously of how the world and our local police force work. Again, TRULY go fuck yourself cry baby, and while you’re at it, go fuck your mother. Have a GREAT DAY

lol again go to your safe space and fuck yourself. You are just clueless.

I’ve def still been playing. Took last week off so I wouldnt get rusty in Siege and BF4, but hoping back into hunting today. Never had this issues of the trolls one Worlds yet, but it was a problem sometimes in 4 and Generations, but I almost always create the party so I can kick anyone who annoys me or trolls others

Oh yeah, a remake of the OG’s would sell fast.

I absolutely know what they go through cause 2 of my best friends are DC cops I see all the time and chill with, and my cousin is a Maryland state trooper and all agree about how corrupt things have gotten in Baltimore and how quick a lot of police are to just shoot 1st ask questions later. So before you run your