
I’m more offended by the fact that her ass looks like a nutsack.

I agree. The answer is almost always “Run, Barry, run”. This one is outside of the box. I think it’s more menacing. Also, my husband I call the villain Bell Biv Devoe (now you know).

That is one version of Wells that we have seen very little of & it might be nice to spend more time with—perhaps the nicest Wells, maybe other than HR?

I liked the throwaway detail that the Thinker, in his free time when not planning whatever the hell he is planning, is apparently a much improved teacher, since unlike in the flashback scenes, his present-day classroom is packed with attentive students.

I really liked this episode. I haven’t read much flash comics so I never came across the thinker but I really like the way his just openly like yea im going to fuck with you and theres nothing you can do about it towards Barry.

> What makes Syndrome the villain?

Turtle! Turtle!

Films from the 11 century are often unfairly overlooked by today’s special effects-obsessed audiences.

How is he supposed to survive in the wilderness without the aid of a farting boner corpse?

Every last thing about this entire Szechuan Sauce thing has been unfathomably stupid from start to eventual finish.

This is the new AV Club now, baby!

This is a 2-day old tweet, did that really warrant another story about this?

This isn’t about getting excited about dumb shit. This is about people treating this stupid joke from Rick and Morty like the second coming of Christ and news outlets reporting on it accordingly. People can like the sauce all they want but it isn’t this big of news.

Maybe they’ll fucking poison it so we can stop hearing about it.

Who? Do you mean Stevie Richards?

No way. The Block & Tackle articles were great and hilarious.

Somewhere, Chevy Chase is glowering.

It can be two fings.

To clarify, did Conan fingerblast Sarah Huckabee-Sanders, or did Conan fingerblast Mike Huckabee and Bernie Sanders?

I, for one, am furious that this comedian known primarily for singing with other famous people did not accost a man who is no longer part of the President’s administration with outrage and a refusal to be friendly. What a monster.