
I think so. (Religion is a hard meme to break.) Likely *less* people - and it also depends on WHICH religion and which *denomination* of that religion and how flexible and adaptable - and accepting of science - it is...(the Catholic church has like a paper on what to do and say when/if ET's are contacted!) And I'm

Damn! That Really sucks! :(

I wish this would lead to a Shuttle 2.0 that is minus the flaws on the first version!!!

THAT'S NO MOON....!!! IT'S....

In Tucson we are lucky enough to have THIS - which in based on Mexican traditions - but incorporates many other culture's Day of the Dead-type rituals - such as *Japanese*...(and even personal expressions...some of which are pretty amazing and creative...)

I would normally say NO FRAKKING WAY!? But given Obama's recent plan to upgrade and update (instead of just dismantle) American's nuclear arsenal ('to stop asteroids', is the justification) - I can believe this. And I thought that us Liberals were supposed to be the anti-nuke tree-huggers!? WTF!?)


What do you expect when they are FILLED WITH SHARKS!?!?!? They're not "swarming", they are *schooling*!!!

Cool idea....until the power runs out. (And what happens in the umbrella gets wet!? ;) )

The Virtual Umbrella!!

Fascinating concept....



Lawn that shot guns...REAL chemistry sets! And playgrounds with those giant "Rocket Ships" that were uber-TALL and you could climb on the *OUTSIDE OF* - and the playgrounds they wee in were paved with *CONCRETE* - not cushy ground-up tires pr wood chips. 1/2 the cars didn't have back

I thought at first that his first name was actually *gonna be* "Ridiculous"! "Grand Emperor Ridiculous Palpatine!" (Sounds like something from Harry Potter!) LOL!

I will post a pic of my pet Trilobite "Frank" when I get home (or was it "Fred"...or "George"...? I can never remember. Not that it matters, he - she? - NEVER comes when I call! It just lies there like a *rock*! Dumb arthropod! No wonder they went extinct...)

Maybe I am remembering it wrong...but didn't the "Deepwater Black" crew awaken with no memory of who they were and what the mission was!?

The story follows a crew of derelict spaceship who wakes up with no memory of who they are or how they got there. Despite this, they have to work together to overcome the threats they encounter.

Sounds a lot like "Deepwater Black"/"Mission Genesis" (with Ezri Dax!!!)…

"The Golden Compass" for sure..."Star Trek: Enterprise" too...and *definitely* "Green Lantern"...oh, and "Jumper" (Maybe actually try too *follow* the original book this time - instead of just DIRECTLY CONTRADICTING *EVERYTHING* IN THEM - even making a somewhat good-guy character into a 2-dimensional over-acting bad