
We have some “all-local” places here in *Tucson*...and they are super-pricey ($20+ hamburgers) - and, of course, not all the food are things that *naturally* grow here locally (though you can get those too) so the food is pretty water-intensive, and that’s not any better for the environment than shipping food in


My oldest son just got an Iron Giant tattoo...not sure if this link will work, but can’t figure how to upload stuff here yet...

His story turned out better than mine. One in college I met a girl who looked like somehow the ideal look girl of my dreams came to life (though I have weird tastes when it comes to physical attraction, most guys go for the tall blonds with big boobs...I go for pretty much the exact opposite, and yes I know that

Except the character of Newt wasn’t created to be a Harry Potter was just the author of some Harry Potter related backstory that became a “real book” in the real world in the same way the “Mr. Scott’s Guide to the Enterprise” is a real book...

If this was a fresh franchise created from scratch, then you

The scene where Kylo was talking to the Vader helmet should have been the big revel as to *who* KR really was...rather than just casually dropping it in the middle of his conversation with the holographic bad guy....

Wait...TV existed in 1938!? How many people even *had* TV sets at that time!? 4!?

You do know that Elementary started off as a US version of Sherlock, so if anyone is ripping off anyone else, it’s Elementary...

Please cast Raffey Cassidy - “Athena” from Tomorrowland - as Lyra!!! PLEASE!!!

You bring up good issue Geekology, but you haven’t read the book, and you are assuming that the author has just ignored these issues too, and that’s not true at all - in fact, he deals with them in great depth and detail. Everything from genetic engineering offspring to live in space to pregnancy and atrifical wombs

There are plenty of anti-science, anti-vaccine loons on the left too.

Now playing

Combine this idea with solar roadways, and we might never need fossil fuels...

Actually, they did explain it - she had a cousin who worked for Trochwood at Canary Warf...she said so in her first episode!

Gee, gosh I am trying to thing what could possibly leave *scare tissue* behind on the kind of elective cosmetic surgery...rhymes with “incision”....(and yes, circumcision leaves a scar, Wiki link in the follow-up comments if you doubt this...)

So..."Deepwater Black" aka "Mission Genesis" meets "Firefly" & "Serenity" minus the witty dialog, brains and heart of either it.

Actually "Deepwater Black"/"Mission Genesis" did it first...(and a young Ezri Dax was in it...)

I read on Twitter that vaccines are made from dangerous stuff like dihydrogen monoxie, the tears of mothers who’s babies were forcibly aborted, AIDS...and they use Autism as a preservative.

Okay, I'll do it..but how are we gonna get the Koala to pee into a cup...?