
Like to ruin fruit salads.

You shoud also be careful about any "supplements" or herbal "medicines" that you are taking with prescription drugs - just becaue it's "natural" doesn't make it harmless - or won't have a synergistic effect with certain medications!!!

AND ALSO certain OTC drugs like the antacid Tagamet (generic name : Cimetidine) can have a similar changing the way the pancreas and liver process certain drugs, increasing their efbfect - *especially* opiate pain medications and opiate-based drugs for treating addicts like methadone - and I think benzo

Yeah, I often say that, while I think that a LOT of people who's bodies CAN handle gluten fine, have jumped on the gluten-free bandwagon, because it's the latest "health" food fad - BUT, the best thing about the gluten-free *fad* is that YES, there are a small number of people who's bodies *seriously* can *OT* handle

^And I should really read the article before I shoot my frakind dumb-ass mouth off about stuff when I have NO IDEA what I am talking about. I was assuming that the article was claiming that these researchers mnipulated pure random noise and made it sound like real speech - the way the "EVP" believer crowd does. I feel

This is an excellent demostration of the sillyness that so-called "White Nose" phenomenon, or EVP, where so-called "Ghost Hunters" listen to tape of an empty room and *claim* to hear "ghosts" - "communicating with them" in the garbled noises from the room and (even more) electronic noices from the analog tape they use

The train is a mircocosm for the World....for *Society*...for how it functions like a big machine...was what I figured...

Probably the camera-owner - BUT, when we star getting into *intelligent* animals like the other four (non-Human) Great Apes - and Elephants, and Whales & Dolphins - and perhaps a fe other species (like *monkeys*) - who can THINK about and PLAN their actions and *KNOW* WHAT THEY ARE DOING (taking a photo of itself -

And somewhere in Europe is planning a "Star Trek* theme park!!!

Cool idea!! Though the picture wall left out John Hurt's "War Doctor" - though it might be hard to wxplain to kiddies why this guy is called "The 12th Doctor" - when counting the face on the wall would make him # 13...(but having im acknowledged i some way would have been cool - even it its like a blacked-out - all

"Not a drop of rain on Arrakis." I hope her has a proper stillsuit...

And maybe HERE too (compare to originl concept art above):

From this angle the Mk.7 looks a LOT more like the Singer "Scorpion" concept version...

I have read the the attached "Scorpion" design was re-used (and re-tweaked a but, but ou can definately see the simalarities if you look close enough) by the nuBSG people as the basis for the Viper Mk. 7 - when SyFy wnted a "modern" design, not just the original;looking version (lso the *original* viper Mk.2 design

I'm sorry, but TLC used to be "The Learning Channel" and show programs like "Great Books" and "Understanding" and "Smithsonian World" and all the science shows ( and "Discovery" did before they movied all the science over to The Learning Channel - I know when they moved it I BEGGED to local company to get Learning -

Now playing

Hope it's actually made - and doesn't go on the pile of promised scifi series that never materialize! (And that SyFy doesn't frak it up...that it's more "Battlestar Galactica" than their adaptation...*shudder*...of "The Cold Equations" (please, skip it, and see *EXCELLENT* adaptation by the late 80's/early 90's

Now playing

Yeah, Disney did both - but for TV. (And "Wrinkle" I think was to air of ABC Family - but not sure if it every did - I think it might have gone straight to home video...)

There was a TV version of this already but I can't remember is Disney was involved for sure - but I *think* they were. It was...meh. (And stared the girl who plaed the *2nd* "Shadowcat" in X2 - before Ellen Page was cast in X3 - one of the few good things that came out of that movie.) But clearly they didn't have the