
I love the TWoK field jackets - those look like they took a LOT of talent to make!

I could never imagine someone from Voyager in one - too straight-laced and rigid (oddly) - but Riker probably would have been fine rocking one (He wore *feathers* after all!!) I know they are hated - but the represent Gene's vision of a future where gender roles weren't locked in - and you could be perfectly straight

Damned Impressive!!!

I have ALWAYS loved the TWoK field jackets and I these two must have a hell of a lot of talent to put them together!!!! Very impressive! Can you make one for ME now!? *PLEASE*!!!


LOVE THE KILTS!!! (I miss how in TOS *and* TMP officers were allowed to wear cultural tidbits as part of there uniform - kilts (Scotty), Native American Indian Feathers (TMP) — by Picard's time - poor Bajorins couldn't even wear their earrings - BUT Ferengi officers WERE allowed to wear those headpieces, as long as

I *LOVE* THE MALES IN THE "SKANT" - AND I DON'T CARE WHO KNOWS. (The Kilted father and son were cool too!)

The banner is what makes it *perfect*.

So glad I went into this movie TOTALLY UNSPOILED as to what it was about. I had NO IDEA what "The Matrix" was until Neo took the pill Morpheus explained it.

I think it's one of the few alien invasion stories that gives a believable reason for WHY the aliens invaded (even if the reasons were a but convoluted) - since, unlike most movies, TV shows and books, they weren't here for our "water" or "air" or "metals" or some other comom resource that could be found - or made -

(Funny, when I lived in Augsburg, I hard a friend who converted an old barn to a house - and used a hammock as a guest bead (he was a Boy Scout Leader in the BSA *and* German scouts - I never got to stay in the hammock - only the older scouts...)

I used to live in Karlshrue Germany - I was like, younger than 7 at the time....(also lived in Augsburg in my teens...)

Now playing

Yes I saw that rock music video on TV...(so we *ALL KNOW* what the number's mean...)

Toilet Paper.

[cont.]both started making jokes in front of everyone - inculding the other guys who picked on me and MOST OF THE CAMP (who KNEW I LIKED HER AND WE'D BEEN HANGING OUT EVERY MINUTE OF CAMP) about how she was so short and he was so big, and if she could fit him inside of her or it, as he said, he's "Split you in half

Oh, did I say I find Asian chicks sexy!? I supposed it could be read that way - but that's not what I meant at the time. Thanks for the PC heads up though. (I only became aware of this "white men who only like Asian women thing" recently - but I did have a rooomate in jr. college back in the 80's who went through a

Oh fudge, I assumed for some reason that Ron D. "Battlestar Galactica" (the good one) Moore's new "scifi" series was going to be something like Sean Connery's scifi move "Outland" set on the Moons of Saturn (or was it Jupiter?) But it seems more like "Highlander" - and more fantasy than scifi. Oh well. Less shows I