
Is the new (African American) actor who grandfather was in Capt. America's "Howling Comandos" and who helped out in the final - and sorta too over the tough guy who was really a secret Hydra double-agent - gonna stay around? I liked him - a *lot* - and figures he adds some more diversity to a mostly (until now) almost

[Quote Zoochosis]"The sad thing about "Forever War" is that on face value it just looks like some Bro-y military space opera. What people don't realize is how compassionate and incredibly progressive it is for its time—on gender and class and sexuality."[/Unquote]

Your first sentence sums up everything I *HATE* about

IS *THIS* IMAGE FROM HE MOVIE!? (It's doesn't seem to fit with the other images - and certainly doesn't look like the dying *Earth* of the trailers...WHAT IS IT!?!? Looks more like something from Jupiter Ascending.... OR - they encounted a VERY ADVANCED interstellar civiliation at the end o their journey...or this is

Is Riddly Scott still working on "The Forever War"....I keep heard it was on....then dropped...then "Oh no, it's DEFINATELY still on"...then...nothing....

"Starship Troopers" was....kinda cheesy. And "Ender's Game" was..."eh" "The Forever War" is one of the few remaining GREAT, CLASSIC (OLDER/ORIGINAL) SPACE-WAR

Cumberbatch might have made a good Ridddler too...

Bataffleck. (Notice how stubble in now a requirement for all Batman chins. But DAMN those ears are way too short for me. But otherwise, I think Afflack may turn out to be a pretty decent Batman - he's definately grown as an actor over the years. (And I was one of the few who had NO PROLEM with "Daredevil" - it wasn't

Stubble is now a requirement on all Batman chins.

I have always thought that if they ever make a Batman Beyond movie (which I think was once considered) - they use Adam West as the older, original, retired Batman who takes on the younger acolyte...

How do you brath then, and what are the tanks for!?

Yeah, my phone does that. NOw I wonder what they *ARE* supposed to be....???? Thy might fit on some types of small crossbow....

Ant Man - shrinking - sounds like a really weird super-power. The bad guy could just *step on you*!! Right!?

Why do they need landing legs to land in water!?!?! HUH!? CONSPIRACY!!! ;)

I have an about *TINY WINDSHIELD WIPERS* for the camera lens!?

Now playing

You wouldn't be saying that if those shadows were deadly Vasta Nevada!

Seriously though , would YOU want to live in a house where that went on for HOURS a day. The NIMBY types who complin about wind farms ruining the pretty shoreline views (when you can hardly see them, they are so far out) - I think are just being

Because he's just a *sidekick*! But hey, it's not the size of the arrows, it's how you use them!

But seriously, he would NEVER be able to fire those arrows with that bow! They must be darts....or the spring up longer when he pulls them out. (Uh, I didn't mean that to sound quite that way....)

Yeah but they are too small to FI into his bow! They have to reach from the cord - which is *pulled back* - and still be able to rest on the bow itself! He wouldn't be able to use THAT bow to fire those things....


I was disappointed when RDJ dropped out of "OZ: The Great And Powerful" - just because they idea of a con-man turned into the Wizard sounded PERFECT for him - I could *see* him in the part - costume and mannerisms and all! But now I have heard that movie was such a stinking pile of crap - I guess it's good he bailed

I have a very computer-savvy friend who thinks that AI won't be something that humans we be able to develope of least not beofre is spontaniously arises on it's own, as computer networks become more and more complex. (And if there is a quantum component to intelligence - once we unleash quantum

So not "There and Back Again", huh? (Or are they planning a *4th* film!?