
I am pro-GMO...but I think there is some warrented fear with the use of chemicles like Roundup - especially on bees and birds (Roundup is designed to kill EVERYTHING...*of course* it's going to be toxic toward helpful species too!) One promise of GMO's is LESS need of pesticides - yet Monsanto is using it to breed

What is with he big-eyed one 4 rows down, 3 over. And 5 over has a sponge on his head. And why the other *white* one too....down at the bottom? Was The Dark Knight, The White Knight for a while...???

"Disaster Area" will be contacting them soon...the have a ship they want to paint...

That actually sunds like a fun night...can I join you? (See if you can score some Dialuad too...)

Nothing in the peice says that tossing trash in the oceans is a *good* idea.

I remember reading a few yers ago that self-guiding bullet that can change course mid flight were a "physical impossibility"...(thoough the bullets in "Almost Human" & "Runaway" were more like small/minature guided missiles....

If this was really invented (and used this way) NO RELATIONSHIPS WOULD *EVER* HAPPEN, and the human race would go extinct. I mean - 50% end in divorce - and a *LOT* of the other 50% are miserable, the people are just too lazy/scared to leave.

Ian McDonald's "Chaga" in "Chaga"(UK)/aka "Evolution's Shore"(US) and "Kirnya" and *supposedly* an uncoming novel that has been due for liek a decade now, "Ananda"...and a novela "Telendo's Story" (All losely based on an older short story, "Toward's Kilimanjaro" = an alien ecosystem overtakes the Southern Hemisphere

That being said...ultra-high altitude "jelyfish-like" creatures have become a thing in the cryptozoology community...and on shows like "Coast to Coast AM"....(I miss Art Bell, he had less lame "psychics" and more cool stuff like this...parallel universes and time travel and crazy conspiracies and shadow people and a

I am guessing that the envelope *represented* computer Neil Stepenson's idew of an in-VR "hypercard" that you pass off to someone else's avatar, and the act of doing that causes data to be passed off between computers. Of course, I don't think the producers of this were that smart...and we even got Neo

I wonder who they who myth that the Eqyptians owned Hebrew slaves got started, and spread, to be ingrained so deeply into an entire culture and it's mythos?

You beat me too it. My mantra is always "Cooking is an art...baking is as *science* (very little room in baking for changes.)"

What about uses for naval and submarine warfare!? Underwater Tractor Beams!?

And if this was *self-taught* behavior....the bird THOUGHT IT UP ITSELF...well....Planet of the Birds may not be so far off...

I want to know that too know! One would assume that this comes from *somewhere* - but several species of birds are among some of the animals on the planet (like Elephants, squirrels, cuttlefish and octopui - that join humans and the other Great Apes and dolphins and whales as...scarily smart....)

GMOs. AND I think groups like Native Seeds/SEARCH in Tucson (opens new tab) can *help* by contributing old, hardy, native species *and* gene lines and genes...BIODIVERSITY - not just churning out clones - is important too!

I wish he'd *stayed* on "Heroes"...