
(Actually, the air of a soundstge that used a real equivelent of Lunar regolith probably would have pretty dusty air...)

Hummm.....I don't recally seeing any levitating dust in the so-called "Moon Landing" shots!!! Just what you would expect....for a *SOUNDSTAGE*!?!?!!!! ;)

Single most important footpront since the first human stepped foot for the first time on the shore of Eurasian beach outside of Africa...

Static electricity from solar wind ionization!?

General Thade got there (Earth - or an alternate timeline version of it) before Marky Mark in the same was the Marky got there *AFTER* the Oberon Spaceship/station/lab - ene though HE left first, and it left last - different routes through the wormoles take you to different points in time....*DOH*. Thade obviusly

Also - true story - Tim Roth turned down playing *snape* in the Harry Potter movies - to make this piece of shit. It would have been cool to see him with Gary Oldman again (and Tm Roth in his "ape" makeup convinced me that he did have the *eyes* for Snape. And he has the nose for it. But Alan Rickman made the part his

Well Space Tourism is on the rise...why not underwater tourism too? For a SeaQuest DSV said - "Benieth the surface....lies the future..."

That gives me an idea: "Sharknado 3: Sharks on a Plane"....

This is exactly the kind of thing that happens when politicians ignore Global Warming...

Star Trek: The New Voyages aka Star Trek: Phase II (who's sets and props Star Trek Continues uses) - has often filmed scripts writte by profesional ex-Trek scrip writers - including "The Trouble with Tribbles" scribe David Gerrold - as well as had ex-Trek actors from just about ever series play roles....


I think there may be *aspects* of the Aquatic Ape Hypothesis that have merit....I know that one time our ancestors lived on the shore of North Africa, and ate a lot of shellfish....and it helped our brains grow (can't recall if this was during the "evolutionary bottleneck") - it may not be that we were aquatic or

ME TOO!!!!!!!

I don't believe in astrology. But then again I am an Aquarius, and we are naturally skeptical.

Now playing

DAMN YOU HULU!!!! (Pretty sure I can give up on my hopes of ABC Family bringing back "The Neighbors" too....)

So when they couldn't get Christian Bale back, they decided to just reboot the this *won't* be the Dark Kight version of Batman, but now with Ben Afflack's face....? (I guess I should have know because that *wasn't* the Tumbler version of the Batmobile...and the costume is so different...

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't downgrade Ford's role in the movie! Put it on hold if you have to....or write the injury into the script, I dunno....but DON'T downgrade Han's role! (BTW, was han supposed to figure as prominately in all 3 films of the trilogy?)
