
What get's me is that a big part of the price we *pay* for food cover the cost of reimbursing the *wasted* food...which a lot of people don't buy, because they can't afford it. So who no just lower the price of food across the board - and see if more of it sells. (I mean, especially exotic fruits and veggies - part of

Can they make the fake footage into a *different* series!? Because I would SO WATCH IT!!!!


My thoughts too...thought you would not want to enter an Alcubierre drive from the *outside*....near the edge of that bubble the forces would rip the ship to pieces...

Still, cool!

"I'm not so sure I'm happy about this. Sure, there's some science to be had, but it's becoming increasingly obvious that Mars is a cold, dead planet with absolutely nothing of interest on the surface."

Do you realize the NASA is actually *purposely* AVOIDING some of the more "interesting" areas that could still be wet

The two best dogs I ever had growing up - and I miss every day - I'chaya, (a Samoyed) and Einstein (a 75%+ would hybrid) were all black (well, with some *tiny white highlights on Einstein) - and they were the best dogs I every had and I miss them every single day! (We also had a black lab and a black chow-chow when we

I see little homeless cells pushing around little tiny shopping carts full of "junk DNA" for some reason...

BUT there *ARE* uses being found for a lot of what was once called "Junk DNA". (And I don't know enough about how *Epigenetics* could effect the importance/unsefullness of such long areas of DNA...but I *think* that the epigenome (the "over-genome") effects how genes are *expressed* - and if those areas of DNA really

^Never got why they didn't send an unmanned VR/AR probe that could have been pioleted from the main ship...(maybe they were that the Monolyith aliens would trace where the control was coming from...and eject the Leonov instead...? (Or maybe in the mid-80's, such ideas and tech were no Hollywood

Now playing

The problem is determining *how* low _exactly_ is acceptable to the Monolith aliens...

And I just found out that the canceled "The Neighbors" too!!! Even though it was still stings. And I'll bet most you io9 readrs have never even *seen* a single episode — except *maybe* the shakey pilot — as io9 pretended that the shwo didn't even exist.

This genuinenly pisses me off! "The Neighbors" was

Actually, that seems pretty this theory is.correct, then after a while *absolutely NOTHING HAPPENS*...for ALL OF THE REST OF ETERNITY. (After an absolutely *insanely* looooong time protons *may* start decaying.(we really don't know for sure if they will or not.) Also, The Big Rip could also happen (and



I mean, hey people - remember the messge we got back in 2010:

We really need to quarantine Ganymede so that know one digs up and exposes that Ice 9 layer!!!!

So....the designer of this film - who may have no connection to the LGBT community - is supposed to know what 95% of the population doesn't know...because he is supposed to Google a research EVERY aspect of EVERYTHING HE PUTS ON SCREEN...just in case some vague small thing he used somewhere might be offensive to

I think the eliminated the possibility of a Kirk/Kahn friendship when Kahn killed Pike ...but yeah, there WAS a scene there when Kirk and Khan teamed up where I though that they might go a totally different direction with them...having Khan an ally of *sorts* might have been interesting...thought he *was* a dictator

Yeah, we can have fun with it with the children of anti-vaxxers!!!! (JUST. KIDDING.)

And isn't this why we steer probes to Saturn and Jupiter into it's atmosphere and away from the Moons!? So as NOT to contaminate them with Earth bacteria and other creepy-crawlies!?

And anyone remember that "Red Planet" flick back in the 90's with Val Kilmer(?)

I remember watching this old 70's scifi movie or TV movie where this guy builds the world's smartest computer - and the first question he asks it is; "Is there like of Mars?" (How he would expect the computer to know, I dunno....)

The comp...uter answered "Yes."

And he asked, "How do you know?" - and the computer