
I read Tess' book "Gravity" when it first came out in paperback (heck, since I knew that the book had been optioned for a movie, *that's* what I though the Sandra Bullock film as gonna be!) It was a good book, IMHO, and it had some of the grossest biological horror scenes *EVER*. Images I will never be able to get out

The movies sucked, even the cloud...but some part of me has tot think that *ONLY* die-hard comic-book fans would think that a GIANT HUMAN(OID) FROM SPACE, walking around in a FUNNY PURPLE HAT - would *NOT* be something audiences would laugh their asses off.

But maybe I am wrong...I mean, if Godzilla can work this

Jennifer Lawrence make-up artist's would help me finally realize me life-long dream of finger-painting nude women...with their body's as the canvas. (HEY! WHO ARE *YOU* TO QUESTION MY ART!?!?!?)

But how many will actually make it to production - let alone screen? I seem to remember a LOT of planned SyFy shows that NEVER materialized...

That's why he wears that mask. Fits in easier at KKK cross burnings! Just ask Donald Glover... ;)

If "The Neighbors" is next (and I think it may be - even *io9* ignores this GREAT show - WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM IO9!?!?) I may have to go to Hollywood and stand my ground from behind the Hollywood sign...

Yes but, with all due respect - *scientifically* you are all wrong. And "intuition" means nothing where empirical facts and scientific facts are concerned. I am sorry...I know you want to do what is best for you kids - but you *didn't* - and you but OTHER CHILDREN in DANGER. We are all entitled to our own opinions -

THIS IS *EXACTLY* WHY I LEFT FLORIDA AND ILLINOIS - WHERE I WAS *HORRIBLY UNHAPPY* - AND RETURNED TO *ARIZONA*!!! (I missed having people with common interests...people to talk to...form clubs with...)

The "Tomorrow People Can't Kill" rule was from the original, 70's version of the film (not sure if used in the 90's version.) I get the make the TP less violent and such. But for species survival, it's it the most beneficial adaptation to have....

Now playing

From some comments I made to a fellow atheist/scientist friend after I posted this article on my Facebook Page:

Yes, Seriously. They claim that because ("most", aka ALL *REAL") scientists only look for an accept (on faith) naturalistic and non-supernatural explanations for events - we are automatically excluding

I used to take Planetary Science classes - and some honor's colloquiums - at the University of Arizona in the mid-90's - and most of those classes were in the Kuiper Building/LPL (Lunar & Planetary Lab) - and was also in UofA/SEDS (Students for the Exploration and Development of Space - who's then-tiny office was at

The Gods are displease with Putin;s anti-gay policy and invasion of the Crimea! *Must be*! (I mean rocks don't just fall from the sky on their own....right...???)

And in the future....

Yeah buy "Enterprise" started the tradition with Ferengi and Borg... :( (And *stupid-assed* "Phase Pistols" and "Photonic Torpedoes"....*sigh*.)

At least "Phased Laser I could have been find with...often shortened to just "laser". And maybe "Nuclear Spacial Torpedoes" - which would have went with Spock's statement in

This has to potential to suck *so* bad. As much as I want to see more BSG - we already had an...well...not perfect buy very, very close TV series. (And there if the original for the purists - which I grew up on a loved as a kid a still like.)

No wonder I have constant motion sickness....