
Please stop ignoring "The Neighbors" - it's a consistently good show that is on the bubble and may be too late to save because sites like your didn't even give it the time of day!!!


(So are the Playstation 3 & 4 adds just as bad...!?)

I have been very, very fascinated in this since I read "Vanishing Point" which takes place in that house after most to planet's population vanishes...and it turns out that the house's construction isn't crazy or nonsensical...but exists across multiple parallel realities - which children born after the vanishing can

So this "Council of Giants" is bigger than the Local Group, and smaller than the Virgo Supercluster...?

Me too!!! I want to see that!!! io9!? Publish it!!!

It has been speculated by neuroscientists for decades that out-of-body and "near death" experiences - which are very common in all cultures - are "real", in the sense that they are illusions created in the brain that many people *do* experience. They just aren't spiritual or magical. But more akin to sleep paralysis

Someone washed it hot water.

Awesome! I hope you enjoy it! :)

Now playing

Even though it's a bit dated, I think it's very much still worth it to watch Timothy Ferris' "The Creation of the Universe"...(and his books like "Coming of Age in the Milky Way", "The Mind's Sky" and "The Whole Shebang" remind me of Sagan's books like "The Cosmic Connection", "Broca's Brain", and "Billions and

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NdT isn't Carl Sagan, I know, and I used to be critical of him too, but upon seeing this video (attached) I finally became convinced that he *did* have it in him to take on the mantle of Cosmos host. And hey, it could be worse - much, much worse - we could be getting "Cosmos - Hosted by Michio Kaku !"

I think Timothy

I think my 8 year-old stepson can help with that...


I always wondered what kind of material you would get if you wove spider silk with bucky nanotubes? Maybe even could clad spider silk fibers with a nanotube or diamond coat...?

Could you combine the best elements of both super-strong materials?

Space elevator material?

“There rolls the deep where grew the tree.

Actually, there is basically no historical evidence - outside of the Bible - that the Egyptians had Hebrew slaves. And it wasn't slaves that build the pyramids. You can check this all out online for yourselves. It's not "anti-semetic" to claim that - it's kind of mainstream accepted historical knowledge.


And don't forgot that Starburns was dressed up in a costume from io9's favorite movie, "Zardoz"...

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A lot of people don't know it, but "300" is set in the "Stargate: SG-1" TV universe. I realized that when I noticed that Xerxes was a Goa'uld... (He's got the Goa'uld voice, and he's a "god", he dresses like a Goa'uld, and I am pretty sure that I saw his eyes glow once or twice...)

Super-cool *TOP SECRET* ship on the Admiral's desk for all to see!!!