

Already optioned for a movie by Ridley Scott, should be filming soon actually...

Oh yes!!!

David Gerrold has a Facebook account that you can follow I believe, and he's cool about friending people too - well, he friended *me* for some reason (so did David Brin and Timothy Ferris, and all 3 actually read and respond to stuff their friends post on our walls, it's so cool to be able to interact with them!) - I

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Here's the whole episode - it's really worth watching, is you want to understand how science *really* works...(just give it a try, watch the first 5 minutes - Bronowski was a role model for Carl Sagan, and the 13-part "The Ascent of Man: A Personal View" directly inspired the 13-part "Cosmos: A Personal Voyage"...and

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I think every high school student should have to watch and read Jacob Bronowski's episode and chapter of The Ascent of Man, "Knowledge or Certainty?" (It's worth checking out, seriously.)

In the chapter/episode, Bronowski talks about how in science, we sort of find the average of things, and how we approximate, rather

Plus NASA doesn't use Space Shuttles anymore...

So is it okay now for me to look a camel toe pics? :)

Yeah, everyone I know raved about how I just *had* to see Equilibrium, because it was just this amazing, mindblowing movie...but when I saw it it looked like some took 1984, Fahrenheit 451, and Brave New World into a blender, and tossed in The Matrix...then filmed the results. Nothing in it was original, but everyone

Yeah, pretty sure this is the same system that is bringing us much needed rain (and mountain snow) here in Arizona...

She's working on Harry Potter and the Expensive Divorce Lawyer...

Left vague, if I recall. Not really sure why Harry's parents didn't come back as ghosts...I think maybe there were trapped in Voldermort's wand...maybe...

These planets sound a lot like LV-426 from Alien & Aliens? I wonder about the possibility of terraforming these worlds...? A future advanced society could alter the atmosphere...harness the excess hydrogen and helium...

So the Flash's power is basically...he can run really, really fast. How does that help in any task that doesn't basically involve...running...? I guess he can outrun bullets and stuff...and in a fight he'd be pretty good...but he can't fly or shot lasers or anything... Somebody here sell me on The Flash. Why is he so


(I think the source material should carry the same warning...)

I'm so sorry, I know this is seriously juvenile..but this scene really was the first think I thought of when I saw this pic of the airship...

I sense much butthurt in this thread.

And it's entirely possible that Firefly could come back. If Whedon wanted to do it, after The Avengers, he could probably make it happen...maybe he could get some fan-funding and some studio somewhere to support it. In fact, he's said time and time again that he would like to

^I wish I knew where part 2 was...if it exists. (This was originally part of the now defunct Drex Files blog...)