
And *Pluto* is the planet they get rid of!?!?!?

I like okra in soups and gumbos...and fried...and pickled...but yeah, trying to describe it to others; "It's like got this fuzzy outside and a stringy skin...the inside is a mix of hard balls and slime!" Yeah, I can understand why some people hate it.

My mom insists that cilantro tastes like soap, and refuses to eat it (she says she was forced to eat soap by her dad, a preacher, when she talked back or said a dirty word as a kid - this was in the late 40's and 50's - and cilantro reminds her of this bad memory and awful taste) - and as she lived here in the


I noticed from the preview that Kermit and his doppelganger are gonna be doing the Harpo Marx - and later (and even more memorably) Harpo & Lucy - mirror gag! Not very original, but still funny. And it would be nice to see it reintroduced to younger generations... :)

Take the Muppets to Europe in the sequel...add a major jewel heist...hummm...getting a bit of deja vu here...

This new one kinda reminds me of a re-do of The Great Muppet Caper...funny they picked that for their sequel, as it TGMC was the sequel to the first Muppet movie...

So basically you are saying that Obama is a Kenyan? ;)

So...your middle son would probably be the next Hitler...but the trains would run on time! Well, the trains do need to run on time... ;)

I have not seen Antiviral (yet) - but I remember something like this was subplot in Charles Stross' Rule 34 (or one of the books in that series)...

Thank you Lyle Lovett!

Why does the Cyberperson need *high heels*!?!?! (I actually liked that episode of Torchwood...I just didn't understand why she had high heels...)

Yeah, I noticed that too about his Bush bits...we even had another war in's uncanny. Well, as they say, those who refuse to learn from history...

There were *4* seasons! I stopped watching around season 2...I know there was maybe a 3rd season - but not a *4th!?!?!?

Relatiivity is just a theory too, so therefore this article is completely wrong!

For the rest of this discussion, I want you all to know that the word "radiation" actually means "a small marsupial".

So you aren't really interested in what terms like "theory" and "fact" actually mean, as used and applied by scientists, are you?

Synitare isn't really interested in learning anything or in the truth or even in a meaningful dialog. Synitare *knows* they are "right". Just like Ken Ham *knows* he is "right".

Wrong. The Big Bang theory makes testible predictions. It predicted the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation - and when we looked, we found it. That's what science does.