
"The Neighbors" It's a great little show that started out weak but just gets better and better but it's a in a crap timeslot that may kill it. (And if you like shows that break the 4th wall, this is it! Heck, I don't think they even *have* a 4th wall anymore on that show!) I wish io9 wouldn't...completely ignore it!

I wanna know the story behind that! Did that poor person survive with both eyes intact!?

This is why robots need a union!!!

Anyone else notice that kids in 2024 say the pre-1954 version of the Pledge of Allegiance, with the added "Under God" line dropped off again!?

Well they did drop the "Under God" addition to the Pledge of Allegiance! Maybe when the aliens showed up a lot of people lost their faith!? :)

I'm an atheist, and I liked that show too! Though some of God's dialog was a little too...fortune cookie....Hallmark. But I still liked it.

I also heard the woman say "OK, call 911" - so if she meant that literally, then there was no fire team on hand...though that seems kinda weird to me...

Oh, AA and 12-step programs work great for a lot of people, I'm sure...but only if you have what I call the "magic blue feather mentality". Not all of us have that. For me, AA is way to much like a religion, even a cult. Religion works for a lot of's comforting for a lot of people, and it can be a source

Two Words:

Genital mutilation. (aka "circumcision")

Of *babies*.

I heard that she made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs!!!

What is that from!?!?

You hit the nail on the head as to why it failed. Sadly. I was one of the few non-fans who actually gave it a shot...I wish more had.


So, this would be the *5th* attempt to reboot the franchise...? (IN addition to the original there was "Knight Rider 2000" - which I actually liked, and still like, even though it's based in a "future" set 14 years ago - there was the Action Pack movie "Knight Rider 2010", which nobody but me probably remembers...then

Why isn't cartoon network airing these...? Just wondering...

There would be a line.

Yeah, it's an interesting premise - especially the idea that the Purge isn't really about limiting crime, but culling the poor and unwanted - but it's barely explored during the movie. (Though maybe more than other hack-and-slash movies.)

Just remember all the good the Purge does! ;)