
Yeah but the Purge doesn't really get rid of much as just *confining* most of it to one day. (And there are still gonna be some people who are gonna commit crimes outside of the Purge, because...well...they are CRIMINALS, and the law DOESN'T MATTER to the anyway. If anything, the Purge might encourage

Well I guess I'll have to check it out now...

Just think, if Loki had waited a bit for Thor to decide he didn't want the throne, he (Loki) might have come to it naturally, as second-in-command.

Yeah, I was hoping THAT would be the S.H.E.I.L.D episode, where they went to the UK to deal with the aftermath of the last Thor incident...but it wasn't. :(

Yeah, me too. :(

You might be thinking of her armor from the first movie, which was different...

And here is the COMPLETELY DIFFERENT LOOKING ship from the Remastered version of "Mudd's Women" (I like *some* of the stuff used in the remastered episode, but not all of it...and this is one...the ship does look like a TOS-era ship, sure...but it...also looks like a toy...)

Here's the finalized design of Mudd's ship used in Into Darkness...notice the outline/profile shape of the's facing the opposite direction in this pic, but it's that same outline!

Speaking of Star Trek Into Darkness concept art and art design, I noticed just by chance one day that the design of the small ship that Kirk and co. took to to Qo'nos in Into Darkness, which Scotty said was captured in the "Mudd incident", was based on the very vague outline of that ship as seen in the *original*

Bryce Burchett Between this and Creationism/Intelligent Design, Climate Change denial, and anti-vaxxer nonsense...we are failing at science in the US...


If velociraptors survived into the Victorian age, I think there would be less fancy dresses and a lot more bloodshed and evisceration and screaming...

Again, depending on where you live, you can raise squirrels as pets - this is NOT the same as just letting some random street squirrel in the house. In fact, most wild squirrels would probably be afraid of both humans *and* dogs. This squirrels was likely bought from a breeder or a seller, and raised as a pet. (My

And btw, can't both sides of the "Should we have dropped The Bomb(s) on Japan?" at least agree that the whole of World War II, from Pearl Harbor, to the firebombings of cities like Dresden, to the bombings of London, to the Japanese internment camps, to the Nazi concentration camps, to the Japanese atrocities and

Can't both sides of the "Should we have dropped The Bomb(s) on Japan?" at least agree that the whole of World War II, from Pearl Harbor, to Dresden, to the bombings of London, to the Japanese internment camps, to the Nazi concentration camps, to the Japanese genocide in China, to all the men and women lost on all

The did this 21 years ago for "The Crow"...I imagine that in all that time, the techniques have only improved...(I couldn't find any pics of the actual digitally recreated Brandon Lee scenes...)

The problem is that none of them were saying 'Thank you Jesus...praise Jesus...steady the rope Jesus..." all the way across the ropes...

Now playing

Naw, forget that 90's reboot nonsense! The *original* Tomorrow People from the 1970's was still the best!!!

Clearly God did it! ;)

I definitely don't want to see America become a Balkanized country, full of little insular enclaves that can't communicate, have no common ground or goals...and who distrust each other. And yes, having a common language does help a country's cohesiveness...

But that's NOT what most of the "English Only" types are