I've loved cars since I was a little kid, way before I even heard of Top Gear. I'll love cars until the day I die, hopefully many years from now. My love of cars didn't begin with Jeremy Clarkson and it sure has heck won't end with Jeremy Clarkson.
I've loved cars since I was a little kid, way before I even heard of Top Gear. I'll love cars until the day I die, hopefully many years from now. My love of cars didn't begin with Jeremy Clarkson and it sure has heck won't end with Jeremy Clarkson.
After he rides past the kid looks back like "What the ..."
Why aren't they all running single file and never passing?
That sheared off just the very top of the box, must have been an 11' 9" tall truck.
The last time I renewed my license I was in and out in 15 minutes. What took you so long?
I know this won't fly on Jalopnik since it's a GM car but the Pontiac GTO from a few years ago had a really awesome looking orange color.
The car looks like it's black. Why in the world would you not want a black car? Maybe you can paint it white like a little girly car!
the smell of your new car is NOT GOING TO KILL YOU.
A completely unrelated question, Does anyone know what it would cost to ship a pack of wild dogs to England?
I just bought this here fancy Japanese car!