
I heard he’s coming up with a bold innovative new storyline where various characters have conflicting emotions over whether to kill their enemies or show them kindness.

It doubles as a review for the unstoppable march of time.

Yeah but Elizabeth has always been an ideologue. That’s why I’m not so sure I agree with Erik’s guess about where this is all heading--there’s not a lot of room for her type in a post-soviet, hyper-capitalist Russia. Wouldn’t it make more thematic sense if Philip survives?

That’s not quite the way it reads to me; yes, it’s clearly a way to make Paige feel like she’s part of something more than just dangerous and clandestine. It’s sort of the Harry Potter-effect; they’re trying to make Paige feel like she’s special. Not a regular American teen, but one of the Russians, heir to centuries

The way Claudia’s cultural propaganda worked on Elizabeth, even when pointedly aimed at Paige, is such a depressing character note.

I mean, enough has been said on both sides that I won’t re-iterate anything here, but at this point, who really cares? He said his bit, Simpsons said theirs, it remains a middling cartoon far past the point of being socially relevant anyway. Fans will always have the classic Apu episodes, socially conscious critics

Rick reads letter from Carl...

Someone decided it was a wonderful idea to include O’Keefe grunt screaming CIVILLLLLL WAAAAARRRRR in the open. And no one played it back and stopped it. That’s the level of decision making this show is giving us.

So they decided to call Dante’s bluff by poisoning him, but Saul didn’t think to have a medical professional stand right outside the interrogation room just in case? This plot feels like a bargain bin retread of the Peter Quinn arc. How many people is Carrie going to sacrifice for her cause?

I don’t know why it occurred to me while reading this, but I realized they Chuck Cunninghammed Liv’s family. Are they still in Seattle? Do they now know why Liv wouldn’t give her brother a blood transfusion?

Giving Carrie a child was a massive mistake.

Feuding families. A doomed civilization. Star-crossed lovers. A solemn mission that requires time travel. These characters and premises have been used in countless literary works 

Probably lean way back at him and say something along the lines of “sheee-it” and then chuckle ruefully.

Hillary Streep *

If the rations are running low, they should start eating whatever Tara is eating. She doesn’t look like she’s missing any meals. Watching the way they cut the scene with her running after Dwight made me laugh out loud.

this was a good episode, particularly the ending. it’s funny how Homeland can be the best or worst show on tv not only from season to season, but sometimes from episode to episode.

Carrie will wake up in a mental hospital and all this has been a dream.


They couldn’t even shoot one arrow into Ricard-0 Dragon?