
I’m super glad you liked it! I agree that that’s all interesting stuff. The problem for me is that NTA are *also* self-righteous hypocrites, and so the whole premise seems flawed.

Saliva as a coagulant vs saliva as a bacteria infested infection catalyst.

I felt like Elaine in Seinfeld watching The English Patient during this episode... “Just die already!!!”

Homeland keeps setting up this really valuable story of “What happens when these people are done having adventures and have to go back to normal life?” Unfortunately, the writers keep pulling back from investigating this angle. That’s why last year’s Quinn arc was so disappointing. It’s why Carrie has never really

Omg, it’s a freaking movie, not a civil rights revolution. How about you get your kids to watch a documentary or read a book about MLK? Ya know, an REAL pioneer for African American rights.

Just remember folks: When we complain about the AV Club’s lax journalistic standards, it could be worse

I’m sympathetic to both parties in this situation.

Imagine the type of person who sees a movie about 5 female scientists that gets mad because 60% of them are white.

I enjoyed this, from Monday’s Jeopardy!:

And, of course, the concept of the Vulcan Captain Rhon was heavily retooled into a feature film starring Kurt Russell.

Now if we could just get the av club to decide to try being a good website and bring back Community Grades.

And I kept thinking that the show convinced (losing congressional candidate) Jon Ossoff to play Carrie’s source.

Mandy Patinkin doubles down on looking like a Talmudic scholar.

I had people jump all over me the last time I posted this here, but Event Horizon does not hold up. The effects look terrible now and it makes the whole movie an unintentional comedy. I tried to show it to a girl I was dating about seven or eight years ago and was embarrassed that I’d told her it was scary.

The Boll clan has been feuding with the Anderson clan for generations, and Uwe Boll burns with a mighty hatred for Paul, Paul and Wes the most!

Ah deed naht heet hahr!

Says Uwe!

This is Bollshit.

It turned out the real shark was the friends we made along the way.

I’m fairly confident that while nitrogen narcosis might cause you to see something that’s not really there, it doesn’t cause you to dream up detailed, lengthy action sequences, complete with jump scares and a false lull.