Trying out a dozen of web addresses such as, and get very excited if a website appears. (Google not yet exist, and Yahoo is not famous yet.)
Trying out a dozen of web addresses such as, and get very excited if a website appears. (Google not yet exist, and Yahoo is not famous yet.)
It seems like aside from Earth Hour, we need a Humanity Hour, where all sorts of modern technology communication device shall be switch off for one hour. Imagine all those teens freak out. "OMGWTFBBQ! What am I gonna do for one freakin hour! I am gonna be so lonely!"
But, of course. That was expected. No way in hell they are gonna say that that was a huge meteorite that was going to hit Earth and the military just barely managed to nuke it to oblivion, avoiding mass extinction of species on Earth...
@ITSmeTPAIN: I hate those kind of pranks. As in really hates it!
I see, so the company is trying to come up with an obvious spy camera, so that people don't believe that it's actually a camera. Then you can just snap the picture leisurely in front of your... point of interest. I mean, come on, nobody would believe that a DSLR camera can be this tiny.
I am looking forward to the ten fingers multi-touch gesture.
If he didn't stand there and act cool after killing the guy, he might just made it in time.
We just need to increase the banana storage temperature to 98.6° Fahrenheit (37°C).
@BazookaJoe: I think the whole video is being imagined by the kid at the end of the video. That's how I interpret it anyway.
Judging from the traffic in China, I suppose '_ I don't know' is a valid answer.
@Darkiller45: That's why they have to go to work one day earlier.
No Gundam?
@Anrkist: I think what the video says is that naturally fat will be drained from the boobs, thus making them smaller. But if you use this vibrating device, you can enhance the stuffs inside the boobs, therefore making them firmer and bigger.
No apple allowed inside I assume.
Straight razor with no water? That's not badass enough. If you really want to go ultra green, might as well just use a kitchen knife. Most household should have one.
so the more often you charge it, the less capacity it will has, and after a few years you won't even be able to charge it up anymore...
This is awful, how could the old man punched the kid so hard in the arm that it left a mark. The kid will be scarred and traumatized for the left of his life. He will never be able to trust stranger anymore. He will be afraid to get on the plane for the rest of his life.
@Coulter: and don't forget that jailbreaking could knock out transmission towers. You are a terrorist if you jailbreak your iphone!
@MSgtSimon: um... it's not that hard to photoshop it in, or MS painted it in.