
I see a lot of BR shit talking in the comments here. As a survival game and battle royal junkie this honestly looks pretty damn good. I was surprised to see it’s going to be first person as a Ghost Recon game but as a BR game it makes perfect sense. I appreciate that there appear to be objectives that will force

This would probably have died within 12 hours except for the anti-vaxxers and RWNJs who have adopted her as a free speech martyr and kept this going. And she’s going to keep milking the attention she’s getting from them.

Remember when Minaj was feted near constantly by Jezebel any time she did anything. Pepperidge Farm Remembers ...

Maybe TF2 isn’t the best chowcase for Source 2 because it looks like such a meager, incremental increase in quality. This gets a big fat ‘meh’.

Eh, in some cases they HAVE to act though. Especially when it comes to using content from one game in another.
You see, companies also only license assets they use in a game for a specific use in that single game only. That includes things like simple 3d objects (chairs, barrels etc... everything that’s been done a

A pint of blueberries is $2.58 where I am. What are you paying for them?

for sure.

Peloton instructors, including Robin, intentionally, do not talk about being thin or losing weight or getting perfect bodies or looking good.  I don’t know how someone could do their workouts and come away saying that they are saying THIN=GOOD or are encouraging you to lose weight.  It’s pretty obvious they are

Hard agree. We bring ourselves to every aspect of our life—and if you’re coming into working out feeling inadequate or like you need to be more, or less, than no workout is going to fulfill that need because the need is in you.

There’s nothing in the context of what she said that is saying “THIN=GOOD!” or... any of this stuff you’re reading into it. I mean this in a nice way but I think the solution here is therapy, because you talked about how they weaponize their inner voices but I’d argue that you’ve mostly been weaponizing your own and

One thing I like about Robin is she acknowledges-in class- that you may not love the workout, but you will be so glad you did it when you are done.  That doesn't really work as an overall approach to life though.

Peloton marathon training got me to my first marathon. I didn’t lose any weight but it helped me get my head right for race day, as silly as Robin’s “you’re a hustler” and “I only run with royalty” sayings are. Sometimes fitness is corny. 

Buffet vs menu ordering. Sure, you may get a more finely-taylored dish towards a specific genre if filling your entire plate with one thing is what you’re going for. Forza’s a buffet of sub-genres. I love how it’s more realistic than other arcade racers but doesn’t get too swamped with the mechanics and rigidity of

yet at the retail level, they seem to be operating as strong as ever.

I loved thinkgeek, and I’ll probably never forgive gamestop for killing it. 

GameStop murdered ThinkGeek so it deserves to die.

Amen to that!  I still gave my OPENED game as a gift, and luckily the children involved didn’t care, but STILL!  I bought it new!  If you have to open one up to display it, then sell it as USED.  Heck, the used price was only $2 less anyhow, another gripe about their new/used practices.  Oh, I miss the days of

This is also one of my big thing against them. No, it’s opened, it is thus NOT NEW. Then they go on about them telling me they were never played, so they’re new, but then I always tell them that all my games at home are also “never played” you know, because you can’t f-ing tell just by looking at them. Those “new”

I think the people who think a smaller business could make it are the people who agree that there’s a market for physical game stores, but that GameStop itself drives the market away with terrible business practices. 

That whole “selling used games as new” thing annoys the hell out of me. If I take a new game out of the store, rip the cellophane off, slap a sticker on it and try to bring it back in for a refund, they’d laugh in my face.