I too feel on fire when I have too much Cayenne
I too feel on fire when I have too much Cayenne
I’ve had one since 2014. I love it. It gets me too and from work on a charge (I charge at work) and even though it’s a 2012 people still think it’s futuristic. Rarely have had mechanical issues. Breaks last forever with regeneration. Can’t really complain. I’m almost at 200,000 miles.
As someone who themselves came out as transfemme after their 40th birthday, I’m really happy that James Stephanie found themselves and is happier for it. Representation is important, and I’m sure that they helped me become more at peace with who I am as well. That they make interesting content is a nice bonus. 😊
I wonder if that’s what drew me away from them for so long. I was always aware of their channel, but it actually took Abigail Thorn’s (PhilosophyTube’s) video on them for me to give them a chance. Glad I did!
Yeah that aesthetic led to me assuming for years that they were a very different type of Youtuber than they are. It was only after seeing Abigail Thorn of Philosophy Tube praise their work that I actually checked out Jimquisition, and was very glad I did.
Jalopnik has written about this previously, but I haven’t seen this connection made yet to these recent events: the use of vehicles as weapons will continue to escalate as rightwing radicalization increases. It can be traced back to Charlottesville and the murder of Heather Hayer and the injuries of many others, but…
I had a related discussion with a coworker yesterday. They said “Oh sure, some bad apples deface the Terry Fox statue and all of a sudden all the truckers are racist/vandals/intoerant/violent, but when *Indians (their word) defaced the John A MacDonald statue, everyone cheered. That’s a double standard.”
Almost the entirety of both sides of the US Civil War were racist by any reasonable definition of the word. The North was slightly less so in that they wanted to end slavery. The states that would become the confederacy didn’t even have Lincoln on the ballot... so the idea that by ex post facto association with the…
For what it’s worth I don’t think you are. I believe Cruze saying:
Your leaving out the violent response to BLM protestors that these protestors have not been met with in any country. The Mounties aren’t tear gasing the crowds, shooting them with rubber bullets and bean bags, and pulling up in unmarked vans to arrest random individuals without identifying the agency they belong to.
I mean youre just speaking common sense.
Battery powered. I’ve tasted the lightning and I never want to go back.
This is clearly not enough range. We need 1000 miles minimum for the average american driver to even consider an EV.
This is clearly not enough range. We need 1000 miles minimum for the average american driver to even consider an EV.
Look how cool I am to dis Hamilton!!
They need to do a spin off of Tokyo drift called “American drag”. Troubled teen Takumi is forced to live with dad in America after he is caught by his mom mingling with the Yakuza. He’s not really into cars but the only way to hook up with the blonde in his class is to rip up the 1/4. Luckily for him his dad was part…
It looks like it was a cool show! Hope to see more photos.
When I’m paying for Kandi, I expect a much cheaper stripper model.
“But a few Christmases ago, my wife bought a Switch and then I went deep, in the frenzied, feverish way that sometimes happens to people with game-less childhoods.”