
Maybe they’re still peeved about the Olympic hockey thing.

Then you’re a lucky person.

Feh. That’s bear sit.

The statistical “plus four” rule says you do’t need that many. (Which I think is bear sit, but that is what I learned in Stats.) (One of the very few things I remember.) (Because Stats.)

I’m also gonna guess there were more male subjects who bear-sat their way through these Q’s than wimmens.

Hadn’t heard anything about that till you mentioned the name — what a dick. Yes, I see your point.

When I read the headline, I thought, was it William Holden?

Alright, then, please refrain from releasing the kraken in my vicinity.

Yes, but please refrain from releasing the kraken.

But mermaids exist!!!! Don’t they ... ?

Me, too. Please pass the torch and pitchfork.

“Well, I wish I

It was a joke about his egocentricity.

Hey! Focus! This is about Tony!

Doesn’t protect against STDs, although I imagine some ill-informed unfortunates will believe they’re all set in that area.

Provided it actually exists. Jury’s out.

But we want Drake instead, so ... racism ?

As a Canadian, I take umbrage to you statement! It’s Anne first.

Oh, screw the blah-blah, what are they eating? (The pic, what are those foods!?)

Well, I had to look it up and I still wasn’t sure. Stoopit English gramer!