
The light dawns ...

The people here are paid to write? Huh ...

You are lucky!

"Free writing" is completely the opposite of genuine meditation, which attempts to notice the workings of the restless squirrel without getting caught up in its activities. Following the restless squirrel may be a useful writing tool, or something that helps you delve more deeply into ideas that you haven't examined

There are also natural yeasts.

Well, this is some fascinating Australian science, here! Apparently, if you're a comedian, like Rebel Wilson, fatness makes you more funny, but if you're a novelist, fatness has neither an obstructive nor enhancing effect on your work, yet must still be mentioned in your obituary. Hmmmm, interesting ...

Was the taping maybe on the night that the 'storm' was prophesied to sweep over NYC and blow it away?

She's not my fave, either, but then, there are plenty of late-night male talk-show hosts who suck ass, imho, too. Fair's fair — no reason why a woman has to be the perfect host, most of the guys aren't.

Sometimes that sort of pigmentation happens when one is on birth control pills.

It's waiting patiently for you, as soon as you get a show on TV! (Good luck!) :)

... and yet ...

See if you can't sandpaper your face for a bit and then run into a wall - now, you're funny!

Or all those "bitch twig" (ugh, reverse fatism) comic actresses of the 30s and 40s, like Katharine Hepburn, Rosalind Russell and all. Also, what manure — because comedy is created in adipose tissue, not the brain pan?

Looks like poo already.

Wish maybe some matching rusted-out pieces of truck nearby? :)

... said Dan Quayle, as he slowly removed his perogi-stained tie ...

The perfect combo.

Your people need some sour cream here ...

Artisanal vomit, though.

Oh, Chuck, honey, you devilishly handsome, not-at-all-liar, that was a bikini wax. They're murder!