
If it's not an endangered species, or farmed in toxic sludge full of chemical and sewage wastes the way imported from the "Far East" farmed shrimp are — yes.

Don''t worry about it! Once when I was texting a friend that I was on the way to the doctor's, the phone "corrected" it to "demon" —and he's not that bad a doctor!


Sure, but is it as good as The Scary Door?

Maybe it's a little more difficult to find out too much about me is that I don't have any presence on social media? I'm good with that!

That's interesting — hey, could you try to find my address, using just my user name? I do actually own property and pay property taxes — but I'm in Canada. Does that make a diff to pipl?

I just searched myself, first on pipl — nothing! nada! nertz!

One reason is that in the "olden days", kids would run around and play outside after school, not go home and play video games or watch TV or goof on the computer. There used to be a balance; there used to be activities at recess; there used to be a beleif in the safety of playing outdoors unattended.

He's wise.

It's interesting how cats, big and small, spend so much time lying down, yet their health isn't affected by it. They're meant to be like that — hunt down a zebra (or rat), eat it, then rest for several days or a week, in the case of lions. No harm to the cat metabolism, all that resting! But not us primates!

Yeah, I wouldn't get far with it. I consider gravy a form of soup, the kind that's nice with a few bits of spuds and meat in it. My fave holiday dinner needs a spoon, really ...

This is disrespectful and disgusting. Also, didn't poor old Elvis die on the toilet? Because, oh dear.

So that's not demeaning at all ...

I do that with turkey pieces for non-holidays! To roast a whole one, I jam stuffing between the breast meat and skin, as well as the cavities, then place many, many layers of soaked-in-butter cheesecloth over the whole thing, then a foil tent over that, then roast until it needs only another hour, upon which I remove

The role of a Turkish president is to be an asshole.

whoa, creepy!

Legal counsel to the stars???

Ageism, particularly strong in the U.S. Not so much in Europe, vis—a-vis older women not being attractive; I think maybe I'll go live there ...

Yes, we women are just random, rape-reporting, ticking time bombs! You never know when we're going to go off! We're just crazy that way! Hormones! And not enough attention from CNN! Look out, innocent, unsuspecting men! Maybe you're next! Mwa-ha-ha-haaa!

"lol old man nuts down to their knees, amirite"