
Ahh, most excellent! More proof that Jezebel is the place for science! One psychologist, creds and background never stated, so either sketchy or unknown (excellent journalism here, keep a bit of mystery, that's the way to go), working at a commercial clinic, states big sciencey stuff like "tons and tons" and "a media"

You're a freezing social climbing starlet in that thing.

Me, too! And not only that, when I look at pix of myself much younger, I think, hey, I looked very nice! And I remember, sadly, that at that time, I was freaking out about something in my appearance. Here is the lesson, young Jezzies: You look way better than you think, right now. Tine will prove it, but just go ahead

They are being paid to look like they're having fun.

And you're the Jetsons.

Cinderellie has to wear something in the day-time too. I like these. Severe and serious.

I want that warm fluffy sweater right now! Because I'm cold and it looks warm and soft. Is all. Also roomy.

Ok, thanks, I get it! Also, as they are unable to provide chocolate, they SHOULD crash, bwa ha ha ha!!!!!

Can you explain, please? Not trying to be a patak here, but I'm not sure what you mean.

Being judgy, I kinda prefer Kickstarter to support more noble causes, and also, not crazy about the cheapo-death-metal-T-shirt graphics. But whatever. That said, there should be one about 'bring me some chocolate in the next two minutes or die, you useless bastard.' Or maybe that's just me.

Yes, it's true. Traditional British drinking customs are known in most other countries simply as 'alcoholism.'

Alas, they are not really so old-timey. :( But I see your point.

For some reason, all of a sudden, me want cookie ...

Me, too. :)


I concur!

It's probably just structured and buttressed with stiff fabric 'neath. Like mini-crinolines.

You're not using enough pins.

Exquisite, and finally, something non-minimalist. But I do remain completely opposed to the wearing of fur.
