
A marriage of two drinkers is really a marriage of two drinkers and two enablers.

Now, exactly to what part of that photo are you referring when you say "trash"? 'Cos I am thinking, trash don't always come in bags ... sometimes, it carries them ...

If tea tree oil is toxic to dogs, is it safe to have it in the atmosphere if you have a canine rommie?

Any viewable version for u

Not trying to take sides here, or invalidate your feelings or ideas, but maybe your co-worker presumed that you'd lost the weight because you were trying to lose the weight (that is, you actually wanted to do that) and was just trying to give you encouragement, you know, positive reinforcement for your efforts? Like

It's for the ballet 'Appalachian Spring.' That would be my guess ...

I'm grateful I'm not the only one who gets these feelings, not that I wish them on anyone! I guess we're sensitive types. Which is better than the opposite, I would think.

I don't know why, but my heart is breaking ...

Er, that's "dubious", so sorry ...

I do like JL's purple dress, and sometimes, er, 'dubioud; hair on men is due to the look of the character they're playing at the moment. But the space bandage (hee hee!) — yes, that is a puzzlement!

Is that Mom in the background, having a catbath?

Excellent idea except that it may wreck your rep on eBay (?) Not criticizing but I do wonder what the legal ramifications are of bidding and then not buying. Anyone know?

I say A for effort! Seriously, that tree was just asking for it, standing there and glittering like that. The temptation was clearly too much. My cat used to try to eat the icicles and when he succeeded, they'd eventurally wind up part-way out of his end orifice (shiny! festive!) and I'd have to carfefully pull them

I am all for vegan but if these don't have to be vegan, I can imagine them vegetarian, with a lump of gooey, melting cheese in the center ... so when you bite in and all ...

Yes, but actual female human beings are by nature hideous and unpresentable to the public, so we should paint ourselves as much as we can and also be super-grateful that we can get Photoshopped, b/c any change is an improvemennt, am I right???

Longer fingers?

Also, have you found Canuck access to the SNL cold open of the SoM thing? Thanks.

Because there's nothing better for baby than being exposed to neurologically damaging tuolene fumes, plus all the other interesting air-borne beauty products available to her/his tiny lungs and underdeveloped immune and nervous systems and little baby brain that you find so readily in a salon! Yay, stylish,

Also mulch. Wived need mulching.

You just need a mixture of 10% bleach and 90% holy water. Works like a charm!