
You know what, Dems, I’ll believe it when I see it.

“Wow, it must be nice to have never had the need to be forgiven for making a mistake.”

When someone is yammering on their cell phone and runs into another car...When a business owner leases a location that is pretty but has bad traffic...When a husband callously ignores his wife until she says ”Enough” and leaves

I love that phrase the the dwindling population of Trump lovers keeps emitting. Exactly how would one go about “giving Trump a chance”? Conversely, what could I do that would amount to “not giving Trump a chance”?

If you’re willing to be the back half of a moose, I’ve got a plan...

To be fair:

For how much of American history, using the EIC’s measures has this country been a full democracy for Black People?

The only difference is that these things now apply to White People too.

oh, but we didnt demoralize him, sean - he came to us, quite honestly, without any morals at all.

Trump doesn’t want to be President. In about two weeks, everyone will be so fucking pissed at him that he’ll just walk away from it all, stating that he’ll “continue to fight for you”.....just not as President. Mike Penis will take over, not do anything, and be soundly defeated in 2020.

DC’s best sign:

People are always comparing Trump to Hitler. But, c’mon, at least Hitler actually wrote his own book.

The shrieking of a deranged administration finally realizing that reality won’t just step quietly up to the wall to get shot.

I mean, he has a point. In this shot it does look pretty crowded.

Another woke little dude. Saw this on twitter.

OMG you missed the cutest woke man there.

Omg Nicholas my heart

Let’s make this very clear. The belief that, say, transgender people shouldn’t be allowed to use the bathrooms of their choice is disgusting, and I disagree with it. The belief that women shouldn’t have the right to control their own bodies is disgusting, and I disagree with it. The belief that blacks and Jews should

My late grandparents survived the Holocaust, so the fact that stories like this are still happening today is surreal if not entirely surprising. But I must admit I find the handwringing over whether or not it’s OK to punch Nazis to be kinda sickening. Dude believes that all non-whites should be removed from America in

“Great, only three inches of the cake is usable, too?”

You know what you call a woman who uses temp and date for birth control?

If the pre-born want to be represented, they need to get out and vote, dammit! If they don’t vote, they don’t get to complain!