
We’d do much better connecting with each other first. If the election showed anything, it’s that a lot of parts of the coalition don’t really know the other parts, let alone what those other parts are doing. WE are the majority, we just need to start acting like it.

Ooh, thank you!

Dude went, high, all right; high right up side his motherfukin’ head. lol

He clearly did nazi that coming!

Existence is transitory. Suffering will end alongside joy, fear, hope, and desire. All life will eventually return to nothingness.

You...didn’t read the article, did you?

It’s time America was first again.

I don’t know the extent of her “progressiveness” or whatever, though I know that much time and energy was focused on trying to fucking measure it to the last microliter.

Having read this story and the link to the previous incident, one question: How was this teacher not fired and/or sentence to 20 hours of getting kicked in the balls after explaining “equality?”

6/10, hat needs to extend more into face.

Never gonna be what it was, though. If you really think this won’t have lasting consequences, I envy you.

I grew up in a (perfectly safe and awesome urban area that had access to awesome things like museums, performance halls, local community events and festivals) inner city here in L.A. Because we couldn’t travel much to fancy places overseas, I religiously watched all of the cool-ass travel shows on PBS. I loved

Mark 12:14-17 Jesus tells people to pay their taxes.

Man, this is pretty much straight trash.

are you a sports fan? The Running Man and the Hunger Games are both very exciting.

Shit, if HBO is willing to produce the show so it can reair FOR FREE later, I am all for it - especially when cuts like this can really hurt learning experiences for children. Music and the arts help. Data shows. Not sure why others do not understand this!

They aren’t. Fuck these people so hard. People will fucking die in the streets because of this. When they repeal the ACA, cut funding to social service programs, cut funding to affordable housing programs, cut funding to domestic violence shelters and all of this other shit - people will die in the streets.

When will people realize that most popular music has roots in historically black music? American music is black music.

It goes back to feeling deeply insecure. Fuck those people though for ruining this country over their insecurities.