
I fully agree, of course, but I’m here to point out that in every chopped-up “Baroque/Rococo” there once was a beautiful “Baroquoco” flying free.

Yeah, he had the lowest approval ratings when he left office, but I may know a guy who can give Dubya a run for his money on that metric.

There we go.

...uhh but Erik Lamela tho! And James Rodrigez, and Gerard Pique... I also think Aubamayeng’s kinda cute.

As a self-proclaimed connoisseur of both drugs AND candy bars, I can say with complete confidence that Mr. Trump is wrong; candy bars are waaaaaay cheaper than drugs.

And now....What? We wait for congressional Repubs to get a spine, or...?

Dunno if this makes me gauche, but I absolutely adore this styling.

nb. It’s “Shinzo Abe....” The Japanese premier isn’t a whole religion :P

So impressed with this woman’s resolve. Would that hers were a common pair of balls amongst politicians! But seriously, gotta go move to St. Louis so I can vote for her.

Just went and read that Concourse article, and damn if it’s not the most beautifully crafted, insult-rich piece on Trump I’ve seen anywhere on Kinja. The opening paragraph is particularly amazing.

I just woke up and that picture made me throw up a little in my mouth.

Wonderful essay! Thanks for writing.

not to mention Hitler :P

I watched this whole video on mute to see if there was more to the dress-burning, cuz seeing things on fire is fun, but let it be known: It’s all in the GIF. It’s not worth it, folks. Turn back!!

You say “reasonable Republicans” at the end there like that’s a thing, but I’m honestly starting to wonder.

oh phew well that clears that right up, good to see the GOP are championing women’s rights like normal

So does he actually do meth, or does he just look like he does meth?

Good lord, took her long enough.

My main takeaway from this article was that trump can’t follow prepared statements to read unless he keeps his finger down to hold his place.

“Internalized Racism and Misogyny Guilt White Man Into Apologizing for Being Racist: Tips Black Girl Who Smiled at Him Extra”