
I’d be more willing to defend it if it didn’t keep breaking on me. But, while it worked, I thoroughly enjoy it. Now I’m just waiting for a mysterious $700 check to pay for the repairs...

....I keep thinking how cold she must be...

Some of us has sensitive hearing. Bikes consistently have too loud of sounds, hurting my ears. I like bikes, I really do, but making it obnoxiously loud is a jerk thing to do.

Doug, you really need to review a pt cruiser gt. is it as bad as people think, :).

Turn A is epic, though the focus is on the characters and not so much the MS, which is a shame. I wanted to see the Turn A in epic battles more, it was such an odd design, I loved it.

If it helps, I just bought a ‘07 Grand Prix that I confirmed was in two accidents....,I just have no idea what happened. Both happened in ‘09, the first one is a mystery and the 2nd one was front damage from a animal. The original owner fixed it up and kept driving it until 2014, where it Sat around until I bought it


How can that even be comfortable? I currently have a pt and theres no way to just ‘stretch your legs’.

I’m glad someome has the resources to do this. Me; I have a family to feed, student loans to pay, a house to pay for, bills to pay, you get the idea. Used car for me, as its the only thing I can afford.

I agree, give us: LiveAndLetDiecast.Jalopnik.com

I say that’s see her stunt driving, in person. And make sure its videotaped. If she ‘truly’ is a stunt driver, let's see those skills. Or just give her a stick shift, let's see how far that gets her.

Wait, I'm not suppose to smoke like that? I've been doing it wrong this whole time!

wait, I'm not suppose to sn

Hey Doug, that only pt cruiser fan here. You actually sold me on the Mini you reviewed. It makes me sad I can't find any here in my home state.

That looks so bad it's good, I want to see it.

I wasn't aware I was older than him either. Not by much, but.....how the heck did he get a Ferrari so young?!

You have one? How is it? I've never been in a Volt before. How does it compare to a non-hybrid car?

Well the chiming would stop. Win win!

Naw, too easy of a solution. Let's make it needlessly more complicated, :).

I don't know...I prefer to keep my keys in a magnetic box, under the drivers side fender, not that I'd ever tell anyone that....