
They clearly took Torch’s picture and photoshopped out the dent

Maybe they used similar technology to this?

OR.....they are about to release the first silver car with a red reflection! BREAKTHROUGH

Neutral: I don’t want to talk business but my car has a “made in Michigan” sticker on it so I’ll be treating it like a “1st edition” holographic Pokemon card now.

I submit that Nascar has a troll race. Prius’s only, driven by multi-racial people all along the gender spectrum with EU flags instead of American ones.

This is gonna be a great pilot episode for my new show “Law and Order: Special Vehicles Unit.”

Isn’t Tesla suffering from a similar reason SawStop had such a hard time coming out? That people would end up losing fingers still because they relied too heavily on the system, and would blame the manufacturer instead of being responsible and safe like they should be?

I agitated my wife considerably while we were watching this.

Not far enough.

thank you

At least your honest in acknowledging that you have a lot to learn in the car uniform dept.

She’s standing wrong.

So in 41 states, anyone with a driver’s license can drive an Elio now!

GM marketing clearly too busy wrangling bears, aluminum/steel cages, and emojis to do anything cool...

And here I always thought Steel was strong against Grass.

Asking the right questions over here.

Will there be an AMG Black version?

Why can’t people young or old enjoy a game?

The driver didn’t lose the back end before a corner. That’s during a very high speed left hand corner.