
All of them?

Thank you! It is a sleeper, which is half the fun, IMO.

I like the SS, to me, it's the underdog. It looks bland, but (at least I heard) it's a great car to drive. You don't know it's there until it is. It's so unassuming, which is part of it's charm.

Hello, I'm ztp, I drive a pt cruiser, and I'm the worst driver.....in the world...

I have a gut feeling she'd just stick anything in it, :). She has a tendency to stick various objects, mostly food, into my mouth.

They are easily adorable headaches. I took the car seat out this morning (to shave off some weight, plus if there is an emergency, my wife can travel with the neighbors), and there was a massive pile of cereal in it. The oddball kid dumped it all out! Lol.

I'm pretty sure the army should now sing about their accomplishments in the same manner. It would be very entertaining.

No Jake and the Neverland Pirates? My kid adores the show. And I really don't my watching it. And the songs are epic, my wife and I end up singing them to our daughter a lot.

Fair enough. But I never realized how much trunk space I needed until I had to put a toilet next to my daughter's car seat (with her in it), into the trunk of my pt cruiser.

Crossovers and SUVs are in, at least for family vehicles. The only question is, what will eventually replace it?

It's mixed here in Michigan. Half my family owns a minivan, even if they don't need it. Plus, the usefulness of a minivan can't be denied. As the people who upgrade from a minivan to a crossover/suv, the minivans go on the used market and get bought up quickly by middle class families.

That's my moms mindset. It had its advantages, but I like being closer to the ground. I feel safer if I have to make a sharp turn.

Haha, that's true too. I guess you can say that my mindset is that you can never have enough trunk space .

Logically, wagons make more sense than sedans. There's more trunk space, you can actually stack stuff higher in the trunk (but that's not recommended unless you're in college), and it acts like a closer to earth minivan. Plus it's a way for a family to have a sporty car without giving in to the minivan syndrome (don't

Well thanks Torch! Now I want one! Someone bring them to the usa!

Very true.

I agree, a lot of people do lack a common sense, I being one of them. The running joke between my wife and I is that I would lose my head if it wasn't for her.

Well, I'm secretly hoping Michigan doesn't become the next/new Florida....

I seriously have no idea, but that would be interesing to know. But still, it looks odd and awkward when given a GM-based prize, and the player does something with another company.

Ugh, it's hard for me to respect people when they pull something like that. And I respect everyone, always giving them the benefit of the doubt, even if I have good reason not to. It's just...you have to be pretty calloused inside to not care about others well being, handicapped or not.