
I actually thought it was interesting because it seems that GM has bad luck when it tries to give away their cars. Which is unfortunate because it makes it look like the cars aren't good enough for the 'elite' sport player.

I'm really curious on how he brainstormed his this cover. Especially the conversation with his friend. It sounds exactly like a great SNL skit.

Wait, what? how did you get that?

I really think they just don't care, or they dont think they will be caught. it's obvious what's going on, the parking spot is divided into sections, except the unloading area, which only appear near handicap spots, or similar area for walkways.

Is the Focus ST doomed to become the forgotten middle, red-headed, step child?

It's something different, something cool looking. Plus, jalopnik loves wagons, I means LOVES wagons. And wagons are highly misunderstood, so the more the merrier.

Wait, is the use of those lines not common knowledge? I mean, if you study/stare at it for 10 seconds the placement of it makes the purpose....sort of obvious.

I think the real question is, how can we convince the different auto companies to make this happen?

I have to ask, why are you even against the shooting brake design?

Sure, why not.

That's a shame they won't be on the roads any time soon. I was looking forward to see 'ghost cars' on the roads, scaring the crap out of drunk drivers.

For women, eh? As a man, it makes we want to buy one and cover it with skulls, machine guns, explosions, and beards, just because I can.

I got that down perfectly though. Just ask her now many times she has to address me until I give in and respond.

Huh, when I let young ladies bask in my awesomeness, I just get scolded by the missus. So I'm guess I'm just missing the vette part?

I figured, :). My wife loves the stingray, especially the 2nd gen one. Which is a shame because from what I hear, it's not the best one, :/. But the body styling is impressive.

not completely true! My wife and I went there during out honeymoon. She loves vettes.

Sounds like a great reason to start carry weapons, eh?

the lesson here people, is know your car, or at least the important things. Don't be surprised if something isn't considered standard for it.

The name! Junk is a horrible name, why not something cool, like gladiator, nunchuck, fistpunch.

Dang! So I can't name them after my ex's then?!