
Any idea why they never showed Season 1 of Top Gear on Nertflix?

Yeah, that's the takeaway.

Yeah, you 're right, it's vav. I haven't brushed up in over 4 years, ha.

I've met a lady who advocated the monster thing at a craft show, she had a booth. I took a pamphlet, cuz I thought it was just too ridiculous.

I keep clicking apply, but nothing is happening. Am I doing something wrong?


My wife loves my fedora. I'm not sure why, as I'm not crazy about it. I bought mine because I like to collect different styles of hats, and it was a cheap one.

The only thing that this account does is to let people know that this brand exist....and that's it.

"Mom, dad; is that how cars are born?"

The flip side or the argument Doug, is that since a engine is a mechanical achievement, there are a number if things to go wrong. I don't know the exact 'wonders' of all that could go wrong, but let's say at least 50 issues. If there was a single light for each issue, the next issue would be the real estate of the

IMO, if a full stock truck finishes a race, where finishing is a feat in itself; I am very interested. It means a factory-fresh truck can take a beating like every truck should. The fact that it finished first in it's class means it's the fastest full stock truck , what's not to love?

What's a great family car?

Sex abuse case? What are you talking about?

Fantastic article! I would love to ride a motorcycle myself, it seems like the natural next step since I loved riding my bmx bike growing up. But I have a major hindrance, my wife.

Nice article! Keep up with the safety theme, it's actually fascinating. Plus with your humor, it makes it way more interesting than driver's ed class. Also, can you ungray me please? I read all your articles. Now I'll have to read the book....

So we clench our butt when we panic, eh? I guess I panic every time I hold in a fart?

Dude, it wasn't Travis emailing, it was someone else. He's just posting the email.

Ha, I would never do anything with CL unless all the cards were in my favor, which would probably be never. I always assume new people are sketchy, I don't trust anyone, I assume the worse can happen, I take an expert with me, etc.

The plus side of a buyer going to the seller's house, is that if something goes wrong, or the car was misrepresented, you know where they live. But you do have a valid point.

That's actually really good! I was expecting less than that. though bringing a Canadian vehicle to the states might be difficult....