
The desire to drift it might be too great! Lol

I don't think I've ever seen one in the US, nevertheless, MI. But trust me when I saw I would love one. My wife would say 'no' though, -_-. crazy question, what's the mpg on it?

Delica? What's that?

Ha, I wish! The hilux is the truck American needs, not the one it wants.

Well...yeah, true. But I was thinking of better grip on dirt roads. When they smooth the dirt out, they put a layer of thin dirt on top and rocks. It's the equivalent of snow, you can't get a good grip, easily sometimes.

I think I would get a t&c, since my in-law family are big American-brand fans. Which is why I want a foreign commuter car, just to get a riot out of them, :).

Great post! I am actually looking forward to a minivan in my future. All that hauling space is amazing, it's essentially a tall wagon! Though I would prefer a AWD minivan.....

What is this from?

I guess this is what they call FP drama? Oppo is a place for gearheads; regardless of gender, politics, religion, sexual orientation, etc. Its a safe place for car enthusiasts, not a club that tailors to only certain people. Oppo is enjoyable because of its diverse audience, not the lack of it.

I'm sorry you have a weak stomach? It's called empathy, understanding the other person. In this case, a feminist gearhead.

Are you ever on oppo? If not, I think you'd fit in perfectly.

I guess I'm not a man then.....dang it, how will I explain this to my wife!

I would be screaming my head off...with joy and happiness.

Monster trucks are the equivalent of a manly ballet in my mind. So graceful, so delicate, so awesome.

Hey Tom, if it's possible, can you keep us updated on how this turns out?

I'm over you?

The sticker on mine is like one of those raised stickers for kids, it's like a bubble, it isn't flat. Thus, why I hate it.

Wait, how do you take it off? I hate mine -_-.

Brb, need to check my license plate for....umm...reasons

Ha, touché. So when you looked up Mad, was my picture in there? They told me they were putting it in the next edition.