
In a more serious tone, that logo is awesome.

You know what will really show Tesla? If the guy gave the car away for free.

I hear that's a torture technique over there. If he's truly a rebel, when it rains, he'll drive without windshield wipers.

Well...if he doesn't want it, I'll have it.

So they bought a car, giving tesla the money...and tesla probably might do the repairs as well...yeah, tesla is being put in their place right now. that'll show them.

This is too awesome!

I like how she is just sitting there, chilling.

If they aren't, she can at least powerslide!

Are these RWD? If so, I want to teach my daughter to drift. Start them early.

Goodness gracious Canada, over react much? Why not just stick to killing bears? They would put up a much more interesting fight, plus you can get a free pelt out of the ordeal, and apparently you won't get ticketed.

Wait, you can stomp on a Grizzly, jump on it , and shoot it without getting a ticket in Canada? Canada, you just redeemed yourself. I apologize for my earlier words, but any place that let's me mess with a grizzly bear is ok in my book.

I didn't even think of that. This cop's awesomeness just shot through the roof! The should built a monument in his honor, his children will sing songs about him. Or at least make other cops follow the 'dedicated cop' routine.

See, I knew Canada wasn't all that it is cracked up to be.

He is a hero to select Americans as well.

Jackie Chan makes everything better.

Hey, that is uncalled for. It's 3 times and a taser.

I for one, applaud him on his dedication to his work. In a sense, I know I could trust the guy not to let anything slide by, and to do a honest days work.

Truly, the worst factory has to be the one that promises cars and doesn't make any.

Its almost as if the Model A was complicated on purpose to deter drunk driving!