
I agree, the Prowler is a gorgeous car. It's a shame people don't appreciated it for the beauty it is. The whole engine thing is where people get stuck at. I say, drop a hemi in it, problem solved.

Well, it wouldn't be too entertaining if he was a genius, :). I love a dim-witted hero, they are awesome scapegoats.

Yeah, that's what tends to happen when a game is so dramatically different from what you are use to. Which camp were you in?

Nice. The game isn't easy, and the completion of the goals are sometimes very abstract. Even then, the game went in a direction not normally done and is a bit 'original' in that aspect. For that, I highly respect the game and what it tried to do. Whether I got mad at it is a completely different discussion :)

My wife knows I butcher my words, or at least she should by now....

After getting a BS for Game and Sim Production, I knew for a fact I didn't want to be in the gaming industry. Stuff like this is what I'm worried about. From the way I understand it, if you don't make a AAA game (top-notch game), don't expect too much of a income, or the possibility of a job next year.

In a way, yes. With each increasing point of view (1st person, 2nd person, etc), you could say you lose some control of the main character.

Thats....actually a cool concept!

Oh good, I'm not the only one who eats dead insects.

Very true. When I was younger, I tried to do it right. But the game concept was a bit hard to understand, plus I didn't know what to do. So I just decided to beat the snot out of Pac-man for kicks, :)

Were you like me and enjoyed shooting stuff at Pac-man just to see him get angry?

Definitely. I never got past the first level honestly. But then again, it was my aunts and I played it when we visited her for a week once a year. I eventually obtain all her SNES stuff. I also got another interesting game from her, PLOK.

Ha! Pac-Man 2! I still have that game. It's a point-and-click adventure, where you direct pac-man around to complete multiple tasks. Pac-man himself is a different entity, if you make him upset he'll stop listening to your commands and do his own thing.

touché sir, touché.

From my experience, outward appearances are subjective. The internet/tv/magazine/word of mouth tends to conforms everyone into the same idea of what is beautiful. I say, if she has a great personality, you enjoy being with each other, and understand that being two different people you will not always agree on the same

Psh, any woman who enjoys wagons has my vote. I'm still trying to convince my wife that wagons could very well be the ultimate vehicle.

I now respect that woman.

That thing is gorgeous.

I mean, look at all the wars that we lost in. Were there any marshmallows involved? I rest my case . :)

Ah, the Nabisci van, they 'll never know what hit them. And excellent choice with the Dixie horn mr. President, make sure you put cement in the trunk so when you get airborne you can remain stable.